After the whole kittens in a box debacle, my brother was so depressed that he went to the shelter and rescued this kitten. She’s a stunningly beautiful little kitty.
She likes to climb on things, including me. If she had her way, she would sit on my chest right below my neck fifty percent of the time. The other 50 percent would be a split between eating and drinking, sitting on the window sill looking out the window, and sleeping on this one particular pillow on one of the beds in the house.
I call her Buddha because when she climbs up that high and turns around her butt is literally in my face. I have said on more than one occasion, “get your buddha butt out of my face.” (because really anything three inches from your eyeball looks HUGE! at that angle). So then I just started calling her Buddha butt all the time. It got shortened to Buddha and now I have her a theme song to the tune of the Oklahoma “boomer Sooner” song. Yeah I’m weird.
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