Jillian Michaels’s 30 Day Shred

As far as my exercise routine goes, I don’t really have one. I run. I kept up with the half marathon schedule for the Little Rock Marathon most weeks and that was it. I had grand plans to do the 100 push up challenge or the 200 sit up challenge. Well, I slacked on those. So when I was in target and saw this DVD sitting near the Slumdog Millionaire, I picked it up.


Okay. This DVD has three different routines that are in levels of intensity. I did the lowest. It’s a 20 minute circuit training routine with a brief warm up, 3 minutes of strength, minutes of cardio and one minute of abs. Lather, rinse, repeat couple of times and then cool down. The strength training is compound training with squats and arm raises or lunges and bicep curls. Every minute counts and there is no resting. Since the circuits are so short, you can pull through them …. oh yeah I only got 30 more seconds. arghhghahghaghagh… yes I’m done. You will feel it the next day.

One reason I really like this DVD is because Jillian doesn’t pretend that exercise is all fun and that some day you are going to wake up and love this. No, she point blank tells you that you want to get in shape and you got to work to do it. So it’s motivating without that lying crap like when you go to the doctor and he says “this is only going to hurt a little” No she says, “feel that pain, that means you’re getting stronger”

So yeah you’ll feel shredded all right. Now I’m wondering where all my shredded fat goes. I guess Tyler Durden has it.