Sometimes, Melissa runs her legs. Sometimes, she runs her mouth.

Category: Uncategorized (Page 9 of 13)

This bugs me.

Okay I know that this NaBloPoMo thing for June has a theme of heroes. I guess I’ll say that my hero is someone more laid back than me. More specifically, someone who didn’t get annoyed about this. One one level, it seems fairly petty and on another level, it doesn’t. So hear me out.

I originally got this from
Blake’s Think Tank

John Brummett writes a blog and today, he met a female known in the blogosphere as “Arkansas Project Girlfriend” as indicated in the post below.

Oh, and P. S., since cross-referencing and cross-pollination seem to be the essence of local blogging — Afterward a perfectly normal-looking and nice-seeming young woman introduced herself to me as the “Arkansas Project girlfriend.” In case you don’t know, former Katherine Harris/Asa Hutchinson aide David Kinkade operates a consistently funny, sometimes mean, sporadically informative and often bikini model-adorned blog at, and there he sometimes invokes some semi-charming anecdote involving the “Arkansas Project girlfriend,” a fictional character, I always assumed, on account of his being a lonely misfit blogger.

bwahahhaha yeah making jokes about people having “imaginary girlfriends” is funny. IN JUNIOR HIGH! Seriously, who does that?

John Brummett’s entire criticism of blogs is regarding journalistic credibility, ethics, and professionalism. By implying that someone is too ugly, dorky, mis-fity, mean, etc. to not have a “real girlfriend” and resort to writing about an “imaginary” girlfriend, John Brummett has lowered himself to a tactic that most people outgrow by the time they graduate junior high school.

The other issue that bugs me is that Arkansas Project Girlfriend doesn’t have a blog. She doesn’t really participate in theblog. She isn’t even pictured in the blog. With the exception of a few mentions here and there, she’s not really in the blog at all. I’m fairly certain she has nothing to do with the writing or the content of the “mean” blog. So I think that taking a dig at her is off limits. It’s similar to people talking smack about Chelsea Clinton being ugly when they have problems with Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Arkansas Projectiwas pretty blase about it except to mention that now his girlfriend doesn’t like Brummet either.

So today, the folks at the Arkansas Project are my heroes. There you go.

Be afraid.


Originally uploaded by melissathegoofy

I decided to sign up for NaBloPoMo which stands for National Blog Posting Month,. This means I have agreed to post something every day for the month of June.

No this isn’t my official June 1st post.


Kittens in a box.

Even though we washed their eyes, which were full of puss. (oh nasty) We bought kitten formula and little bottles. You can get them at Wal-Mart. We fed them every four hours but slowly throughout the day. They all died. They were all wheezing and full of goo. The last one sneezed and blood came of its nose. It was something they had when we found them that just got the better of their little kitten bodies.



Originally uploaded by melissathegoofy

Everybody’s favorite wonderpup smiles for the camera.

Happy Memorial Day.

I hope you are having a good one.

It's a steal.

50 albums for 5 dollars


I’m feeling rundown. I have something. No blogging, as little work as possible, and sleeping/no sleeping. Maybe I got too many toxins in my system. Maybe I need one of those colon cleanses. Oh yeah, nothing like self induced diarrhea to make everything ALL BETTER. Seriously.

The bad part is that I am missing the Filmfest and the Greek Food Fest. I don’t feel like driving 90 miles to participate. If I lived in LR or a lot closer, I would have probably stopped by both of these events. I definitely could have slugged myself to a movie. Hrmmm… Thoughts on moving and relocating.

Good stuff.

Coldplay is giving out free downloads of their music here.

The new Green Day album is out.

I got sucked into this game called Metropolis on Facebook. You build a city from scratch.


From the kids who bought you Dick in a Box, it’s “MOTHERLOVER” If you missed this weekend’s Saturday Night Live, well you missed out. This might be the funniest thing I’ve seen in 2009 so far. …. okay kids, I can’t embed the thing. You’re just going to have to click the link.


Wanda Sykes performed at the White House Correspondents Dinner, otherwise known on Twitter as “nerdprom”

Part II

There is quite a lot of controversy about this bit. Part of is due to Wanda saying that she hopes Rush Limbaugh’s Kidneys fail. It was in response to Limbaugh saying that he hoped the Obama administration fails. Her response:

“He just wants the country to fail,” Sykes said of Limbaugh. “To me that’s treason. He’s not saying anything different than what Osama Bin Laden is saying. You might want to look into this, sir, because I think Rush Limbaugh was the 20th hijacker but he was just so strung out on Oxycontin he missed his flight. … Rush Limbaugh, I hope the country fails, I hope his kidneys fail, how about that? He needs a good waterboarding, that’s what he needs.”

Strangely enough, the comparing speech that is harsh and questioning of the Presidency with treason was the mantra of the day every day during the Bush administration: “You’re with us or against us” Oh how times have changed. Some of the more fringe elements of the Right have been insinuating that Obama is Muslim and a terrorist for quite a while but when Wanda Sykes does it to one of their “hometown heroes” OH this is how it works.

As far as Rush Limbaugh personally, he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword. He’s said nasty things about a lot of people. He said some HORRIBLE things about Bill Clinton. I’m not sure that he’s really a person who has much leeway to get offended by anything anybody else says about him. Strangely enough, Limbaugh himself hasn’t had any response to the Sykes comments.

“Teardrop” by Massive Attack. It’s the theme song to TV show HOUSE. Okay I just like it.

TV angst, running, and mishmash.

I had a feeling from watching Chuck that the producers were pushing the show in a position where if it was canceled that it would be seen as tying up some loose ends. Of course, my gut was right and there is talk about the show being canceled. .

What the? Chuck is a hilarious show. It has better ratings than Gossip Girl.

So runners. I have noticed the trend of skirts. I found these from OldNavy. Are they helpful? One of my problems as an overweight runner trying to become regular weight through running is that my thighs rubbing together produces this awful friction type burn. It seems similar to carpet burn but it’s your own skin rubbing against each other. It’s horrible. There is Body Glide which is amazing for this problem. There’s also Vaseline but that’s sticky.

Leggings or bicycle pants type capris have always been an alternative that takes care of that problem but then you have the problem of your butt feeling all exposed to the world and if you’re a larger person, you’re not exactly wanting your butt doing that. I’m wondering if these would be a good purchase.

I haven’t kept track of my running. I know I do it and my nikeipod thing keeps track of it but I couldn’t tell you how often I run. I have an idea how far I go each time but past that I don’t know. I don’t even know if I’m getting health benefits. l? Hcdoing that

The Evening post (or bits to ponder)

Sometimes, life is amazing. My geometry teacher’s son won a Pulitzer prize. That’s just wild. Kudos.

The Arkansas Literary Festival was a lot of fun. I attended a fundraiser for the Arkansas Shakespeare theater Friday night which was also fun. It wasn’t nearly as well attended as I thought it would be. IN fact, it was spare but I did have a good time and am glad I went. I think the Arts are important and will continue to support them. I will write about this in more detail later. It deserves so much detail. Will I ever have the time?

Will gay marriage still work as a Republican wedge issue? A whole bunch of people including Jay Barth weigh in.

I rue the day I joined TweepMe

The Arkansas Project gives a round up of all the people who may or may not run against Blanche Lincoln for senate. The graphic at the top is hilarious enough to warrant a click. It’s very Jib Jab-y.

Going to watch Chuck. I love this show!

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