Yeah this year was bad. The economy went to the toilet. People are losing their houses and their jobs. It’s chaos. Some fool managed to steal my identity and I am having fun with creditors. Also, I no longer have a job I hated. This is a good and bad thing. The bad thing is that my income went down—way down.
Here are some recaps.
Poop on the sidewalk in front of my office: BAD
George W. Bush getting a shoe thrown at his head: GOOD. REAL GOOD
Sarah Palin’s interview with Katie Couric: BAD BAD BAD
Tina Fey’s mocking of Sarah Palin’s interview with Katie Couric: GREAT!
Team Fabulous racing for the Cure.
Tripping over Breezy’s Christmas present and breaking it.
Michael Phelps winning a gazillion gold medals. GOOD
Chinese gymnast age controversy. BAD
Usain Bolt = Good/bad
Heath Ledger’s performance as the Joker in The Dark Knight. GOOD
Heath Ledger dying. BAD. Very very bad.
Going to Erica’s Halloween party. GOOD (even GREAT)
Everyone and their Mama (including my own MAMA) forgetting my birthday. BAD… real bad. (okay I got some props from facebook but seriously no freaking phone calls or acknowledgement in the non-internet realm. That is sucking y’all.
Canvassing for Obama: good
Poll watching/voter protecting for Obama: even better.
Obama winning: fan-freaking awesome.
Racists going crazy after Obama wins. (thanks for putting the ass in assbackwards guys) BAD BAD BAD
Sarah Silverman fucking Matt Damon. Bad for Jimmy Kimmel Great for US!
Jimmy Kimmel’s revenge. EVEN BETTER!