Sometimes, Melissa runs her legs. Sometimes, she runs her mouth.

Tag: holdailies 2008

Jingle Bell 5K

I woke up bright and early for a Saturday to run in Craig’s Jingle Bell 5K. Craig is Craig O’Neil of KHTV Channel 11 fame. He has big eyes and big lips. Think Mick Jagger but replace rock star sexy with goofy and that’s about it. This is the first race timed race I’ve run. It’s also one of the first larger races I’ve run. By larger, I mean large enough where I would have to worry about hitting or getting hit by other people in the beginning due to the crowd. Since running a marathon is one of those life goals on the bucket list, I figured I should get used to it.

It was exciting. Crazy exciting. I invited my mother to come with me to watch the action. It turned out she hates the cold and sat in a restaurant to keep warm the entire time. Oops. She was a trooper otherwise though.

It was chilly this morning. I hadn’t registered beforehand so I got to be there before 10:30 to get in. It was windy and chilly.

When I picked up my race number, I also got a temporary tattoo and some tiny jingle bells to put on my shoes.


ME and my TATTOO!

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I wasn’t expecting the big push of adrenaline waiting in the crowd at the starting line right before the race. It is a “I wanna go! I wanna go NOW!” feeling. Also, my training runs on the high school track and the shoulders of roads didn’t prepare me for the pounding that is running on the street. . Also, I didn’t know you could wear your iPod during a race so I had no music. There weren’t tons of spectators cheering you on like there were at the Race for the Cure.

My calf threatened to shut the race down on me at the first hill so I had to slow down my pace and walk up most of the hills. My time, therefore, sucked really damn hard. I had to remind myself this was my first race and the goal was to finish. This was a FUN RUN dammit. It wasn’t like I had any chance in hell of coming in first.

This 5K run/walk had the distinction that you could walk your dog in the race. There were lots of cuties. Some wore Christmas-y garb and some didn’t.

Here’s a picture of me looking like a dork at the finish line. (Dear Lane Bryant, Can you pLease make some jogging pants that don’t want to go up to my boobs. Seriously those are some Steve Urkel style highwaisted jogging pants from hell. I might send the other pair of pants I have unopened back.) Craig’s in the background.

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My post race lunch was a gyro platter at Leo’s Greek Castle. YUMMY!

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Who am I? Who is anybody really?

Dear Mr. Vernon, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. But we think you’re crazy to make an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us… In the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain, and an athlete,and a basket case, and a princess, and a criminal…
Does that answer your question?
Sincerely yours, the Breakfast Club.

I decided to challenge myself by signing up for Holidailies. This means I agree to post something every day starting today until January the 5th. Hold on to your seats, kids.

I’m going with the writing prompt since I don’t have a buttload of archives for you to see.

So who am I? Well the basics are that my name is Melissa. I call myself “Merlisser” on here because JennyBee called me that a long time ago and it amuses me. I’m a 35 year old caucasian female from Arkansas. Right now I am overweight. I used to be regular weight or thin as people used to say.

I guess I could define myself by my hobbies. I like to run, take pictures, read books, watch movies, travel (Although I don’t do it nearly enough) and write.

Would where I’ve lived help you? Arkansas, DC with a summer in New York, and Florida.

My job? I’m a lawyer. I particularly like criminal defense. You can define me by that, I guess.

Maybe listing some of the cool (or at least interesting) stuff I’ve done will help you.

  1. Attended Clinton’s second inauguration
  2. Worked as a criminal investigator for criminal defense attorneys in DC. It was like Veronica Mars but with a lot less gadgets
  3. Volunteered for the Obama campaign
  4. helped build a school in Kenya
  5. straddled the equator (in Kenya)
  6. Ate Pizza at Grimadli’s
  7. Walked Race for the Cure with some friends
  8. Walked across the Brooklyn Bridge for fun (it has a great view)
  9. Tromped cotton as a kid
  10. Used an outhouse
  11. Mardi Gras in New Orleans

Or maybe a list of favorites.

  • book: Lolita by Vladimir Nabakov
  • song: Paper Bag by Fiona Apple (although this one changes every day and I could list about 20 “favorite songs”)
  • restaurant: Star of India in Little Rock Arkansas. OR Zorba’s Cafe in Washington DC with City Lights of China in DC a close second.
  • color: purple. a really dark shade of purple.
  • movie: Shawshank Redemption (although this constantly changes as well. Today it’s Shawshank)
  • vice: driving really fast
  • animal: Bichon Frise dogs
  • curse word: FUCK
  • word: onomatopoeia
  • drink: margarita

There are some snippets. And to introduce myself.

Hi. I’m Melissa and it’s nice to meet you.



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