Sometimes, Melissa runs her legs. Sometimes, she runs her mouth.

Category: Uncategorized (Page 6 of 13)

Women Can Run

I swear there’s more to my life than running but….

I joined a running club. Or it’s more of a “running clinic” which is like a school or class to help you learn to run better. I joined the Women Can Run clinic.

It was fun. We meet two times a week and do a particular exercise. For example, this week it’s run for one minute and walk two minutes for thirty minutes. And then we do an additional “exercise” After so many weeks, we will have a graduation ceremony in Conway. Whee.

I was way out of shape, even for me. This winter messed with my fitness level.

The people were nice. I won the door prize: two free personal training sessions at a gym. This gym had ZUMBA so I’m crazy lady excited about it. Yes indeedee.

LIfe is good, y’all.

Bichon Leprechaun

Bichon Leprechaun

Originally uploaded by poodlephile_lucy

This picture cracks me up.

Say it out loud

quote of the day

We, as criminal defense lawyers, are forced to deal with some of the lowest people on earth, people who have no sense of right and wrong, people who will lie in court to get what they want, people who do not care who gets hurt in the process. It is our job–our sworn duty–as criminal defense lawyers, to protect our clients from those people.
—Cynthia Roseberry

Road to 11:35

oooh this is all kinds of wrong.

[clearspring_widget title=”Road to 11:35″ wid=”4727a250e66f9723″ pid=”4b861a59d2d7a230″ width=”384″ height=”283″ domain=””]

Bye bye Tiny toots

cute kitties

Originally uploaded by melissathegoofy

This is Tiny. He went out the day before it snowed and hasnt’ been back since. it’s been about two weeks. We originally assumed that someone felt sorry for him in the snow and let him in their house. We figured that when it got warm again, we would see him.

Well it’s been almost two weeks and he’s still gone. He could still be a “house cat” for some other family who decided he wasn’t going to go outside anymore.

or he could have died out in the cold or got mawled by a wild animal or a dog.

Poor kitty. I’m sad.



Originally uploaded by coltermac

This is from my friend Colter’s Flickr feed. oh the hilarity CNN.

Random bits. I don't have Tourette's Syndrome or ADHD. I am just trying to cram 20 entries into one.

“Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get, but if you work really hard and you’re kind, amazing things will happen.” — Conan O’Brien

Yes it’s been forever but first, I covet this bedspread in the purple color.

Of course, the minute I publicly state I am going to post every day, I get crazy busy and spend so much work time in front of the computer doing research that I spend my free time running away from the blinking box.

The Little Rock Marathon is about one month away and due to the rain, ice, and my apparent inability to fit running into my new hectic schedule, I am a little behind on this training bit. I am pondering whether to go ahead and do it with lots of walking, which is pretty much what happened last year. I finished in 3:22:24 . yeah that’s pretty slow. It’s almost walking. I’ve already paid for it so it’s just a matter of how much slowing down I am going to do.

As you can tell in my little blurb, I was tranfixed by the Conan O’Brien/Jay Leno/NBC/Tonight Show debacle. It was a complete trainwreck. The root of this was NBC trying to be cheap and greedy. But isn’t this an inspiring speech?

Look I went to the LRTweetup and got my picture in the paper. I also haven’t talked to Gray Turner in over ten years. Maybe more. Crap.

My 15 year college reunion is coming up. The day I get my invitation in the mail, I go to sleep and have a really freaky dream involving the Ex from Hades, Stoned Opie, and Tom. It’s going to be a long couple of months if I keep having those dreams.

I have had some wonderful lawyer type things happen to me lately but work on this blog is like Fight Club. Nobody talks about fight club… or my job on this blog.

Who is going to Memphis


This week has been crazy. All I do is TWEET!

But I have been following the Conan O’Brien/Jay Leno/NBCistheworstbossever debacle.

101 update and woah my life is busssy

You know the minute I publically promise to post on this blog every day and I get a life: a busy life away from the computer. I will confess that I do keep up with twitter and facebook via my BlackBerry but past that, I haven’t been online that much outside of work. I have managed to get more disciplined about surfing on the job so that’s a plus.

1001 days from today is Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My first problem. I can’t think of 101 things to do. So I guess #1 is to figure out 101 things.

  1. To complete a marathon
  2. To complete two half marathons (I’ve signed up for the Little Rock Marathon so barring injury, I am halfway there)
  3. To complete the 100 push up challenge (I haven’t even done the initial fitness test on these. I need to get started)
  4. To complete the 200 sit up challenge
  5. To complete the 200 squat challenge
  6. Try drinking green monsters for a week.
  7. Drink 64 ounces of water a day.
  8. Run 3 times a week (2/143 (there are 143 weeks in 1001 days) Subgoal is for 3 months. If I can do it straight for then I will cross it off the list.
  9. Yoga twice a week X/143 with subgoal of 2 times a week for three months. Hopefully it will be a habit by then.
  10. Get a bike
  11. Try a triathalon
  12. Get my passport renewed (as of today, I have an application)
  13. Go back to Africa
  14. Go to Washington DC
  15. Go to a Little Rock Tweet up
  16. Go to the Little Rock Film Festival
  17. Go to Memphis in May
  18. Go to Voodoo Music festival in New Orleans
  19. Build a Habitat for Humanity house
  20. See the William Faulkner things in Oxford, Mississippi
  21. See the Hemingway things in Piggott, Arkansas
  22. Lose 100 pounds (what? one pound every 10 days)
  23. Read 100 books
  24. Read all Faulkner novels
  25. Get a Smart phone (blackberry or iphone) I got a BlackBerry Storm around Christmas time.
  26. Get Linked In profile up date
  27. Grow linked in Network (working on it)
  28. Go to National Association for Criminal Defense lawyers annual meeting.
  29. Try a jury trial
  30. Win a jury trial
  31. Get certified for conflicts list in Arkansas State court (got papers)
  32. Get certified for CJA list in federal court
  33. Get practice management software/system set up
  34. Get time management system set up (probably something like Randy Pausch’s system)
  35. Clean office (big clean)
  36. After big clean, pick once a week to clean office X/143
  37. See all Harry Potter movies as they come out saw Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince on 7/17/2009)
  38. Get professional site up and running (already bought domain)
  39. Blog on my legal site once a week (starting from completion of set up)
  40. Move to a better living situation.
  41. Get over fear of dentist and get all my dental work done
  42. Get a pair of black Manolo pumps. (I never said they couldn’t be shallow things)
  43. Get a Vespa.
  44. Keep brows groomed with once a month waxing appointments1/34
  45. get a professional massage
  46. get facial
  47. Try sushi (no i’ve never tried it)
  48. See Nine Inch Nails or the Dandy Warhols in Concert. (I figure one or the other will tour in the next three-ish years) Okay guys Nine INch Nails has already done their last concert EVER and I missed it. EPIC FAIL!
  49. Learn ballroom or salsa dancing.
  50. Figure out the perfect margarita recipe.
  51. Finish learning Hungarian Rhapsody #2. (yeah I dream big. I might be closer to this than you think)
  52. Learn Un Sospiro by Liszt
  53. give blood
  54. put $5000 in savings. (hopefully more)
  55. Try acupuncture
  56. Send a letter or other type of non business/ non holiday related snail mail once a month 0/34
  57. Participate in the 365 day photo challenge
  58. Identify 101 things that make me happy
  59. Put my attorney profile on Law Link
  60. Try the 21 day challenge
  61. Clear out 101 items for yardsale, recycling, or trash. (I’m a clutter bug, this is actually a low number)
  62. Advertise my business on MonticelloLive
  63. mail a secret to Post Secret
  64. See my grandmother in person at least once every two months. (seriously it’s been so long since I’ve seen my grandma and she only lives 50 miles away)
  65. Go to my 10 year law school reunion
  66. Go to my 15 year college reunion
  67. Go to my 20 year high school reunion (yes they all fall within the 1001 days)
  68. Organize and attend Arkansas Governor’s School class of 1990 reunion. (apparently no one else is going to organize it so it might as well be me)
  69. Try a pomegranite margarita
  70. Make the roast chicken from Julia Child’s Mastering the Art of French cooking
  71. Plan a 5K for charity. (I have this for work and am in the process of doing it)
  72. Try a mojito.
  73. Try the homemade Moon pie from Capital Bar and Grill.
  74. Cook a souffle
  75. Try one new recipe a month. (Yes I’m really up on the cooking)
  76. Run in 6 5ks
  77. Have molefest with Tom
  78. Get a budget set up either via Quicken or mint or something else.
  79. See Fellini’s 8 1/2
  80. Eat more ice cream (Thanks LRtweetup)
  81. Finish the rest of the list (July 15, 2009)
  82. Keep monthly blog updates on my progress (bwahahahahahhahahah yeah that has sooo happened)
  83. Finish list


I found this from Blake’s Think Tank

I was surprised that the total number of clemencies was so high. I knew he didn’t do anything for the West Memphis Three

I’m also looking forward to making this sauce. It’s a garlicy tomato sauce for pasta. It sounds all kinds of tasty.

I have been crazy busy.

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