Sometimes, Melissa runs her legs. Sometimes, she runs her mouth.

Tag: running (Page 3 of 5)

Blog post amnesty

There’s a concept in the De-cluttering world known as email amnesty where you delete all your emails and send a mass email to all your contacts stating “sorry, I was so far behind on answering emails that there was no way I could catch up. I deleted them all. If there was something important, I’m sorry. Please send the message again.”

Well. All those meaningful posts that I meant to write are well way past their prime to be relevant anymore. Maybe I’ll catch up on them later. Here’s a list.

  • The first football game of the season here in small town America. It was our town versus the town twelve miles away. IT’s amazing how football, of all things, manages to bring the entire town together. I had pictures of the band and the full bleachers of the visitor side and the home team side. Well I guess I will upload the pics. The “Friday Night Lights” style commentary is just gone forever.
  • Roman Polanski.

    Okay I may still go after details on this. I’m a criminal defense attorney at heart and this type of case is a gold mine for all the issues involved. Does he deserve time? If criminal law is meant to protect the public, does it matter that Polanski hasn’t recommited the type of crime in the past 30 years? Does it matter that he was gainfully employed and giving to society? Does it matter that his past involved Nazis and his wife and unborn child being slaughtered by the Manson family? What about his leaving the country? Does it matter about the corrupt judge? OH man.

    Well the short answer is that in most states (i’m not sure about California) bail jumping, leaving the country, being on the lam, etc. is an entirely new charge and that is an extra felony on top of his crime. So he’s screwed for that. There is a concept that warrants get stale and if the police wait too long then it’s over. Most of that time, that is based on a warrant to arrest and it doesn’t involve a person ACTIVELY avoiding being arrested. The girl was underage and that is statutory rape. This means it is a strict liability crime. it doesn’t matter if she lied and said she was 20. It doesn’t matter if was completely consensual and she climbed on top of your naked body and rode you like a rodeo bull. If she’s under age and you had sex with her, you’re going to JAIL. The more interesting question is “how much time should he get?” Sentencing is where most of the issues being bandied around in the press get their attention: his past, etc.

  • MORE SERIAL KILLER LOVE I discovered Dexter. What a wonderful witty little show. I managed to whiz through the first two seasons via Netflix ready view and will now have to wait for Season 3 to make it here in teeny succession.

    I became interested in psychology after watching Silence of the Lambs. My wanting to be a criminal profiler lead to an interest in forensic psychology which lead to my investigation job which lead to law school. If you want to connect the dots, Hannibal Lecture is responsible for me being a lawyer. Lord, help you all.

  • WORK AND VOLUNTEER WORK I’ve become involved with the local young lawyers section. Since I have been in practice for less than five years, I qualify. yee hawww. This also deserves an extra special YEE HAWWW because it means I am getting out of the house.
  • I’m doing Race for the Cure again. According to the site, I’ve raised NO DAMN MONEY!
  • professional domain YES. web host for professional site. YES. Actual site content. NO! will rectify that soon.
  • COOKING I bought a copy of Mastering the Art of French Cooking. I’m not good at cooking but, like Julia Child, I do like to eat. Since I heard that she explains every little thing down to the last detail, I would buy this book and attempt to make delicious food. We’ll see how this goes. I’m sure there will be photos.

So yeah. I could have written an entry on each blurb. I just realized I forgot about the Blogging Academy I attended. SEE!!

But I’m good and I tweet a lot. And I will start over with topics.

Thoughts of the day at the end of the day.

This was in Conway today. Conway is town where my alma mater is located. On more than one occasion, I remember sitting in the hallway of the first floor in the dorm waiting for a tornado watch/warning to let up. It’s an awesome video. The conversation between the two people who are watching this while one is filming is pretty classic.

I took one of those cheesy “which Greek Goddess are you?” quizzes and got Hecate. I’ve never heard of her. Obviously, my education on the Greek Gods and Goddess is sorely lacking. Fascinating though.

For all your personal injury attorneys, the ambulance chaser t-shirt.

This is the video of Arkansas Lottery Director Ernie Passailaigue after his speech to the Arkansas Political Animals Club. He gave a lot of football metaphors and called the Hogs. I love the attempt to ingratiate himself with the locals by calling the Hogs. I can understand the theory on why you pay the lottery people so much; (It’s a specialized set of information and to set up one from scratch requires a level of expertise that should be compensated) BUT WHY!!!! is the security detail (a former Arkansas sheriff) getting paid six figures? Is he supposed to follow the director around 24/7?

The best part about Tolbert’s video is the female reporter making faces. She obviously forgot that people could see her. OH MY!

early morning Tuesday

It’s 1:08 on Tuesday morning. So yeah I’m up late. I have some low level allergies that messes with my head which messes with my sleep schedule. I’ve also been busy at work and life.

  1. I won something that I thought I’d lose. It’s always a pleasant surprise when you find out that you have underestimated your abilities. Or heck, pleasant surprise when you have just lucked out!
  2. I finally replaced my Nike + iPod. This made me happier than being the next contestant on the Price is Right.
  3. I am excited about seeing this movie: Summer House. Both Blake Rutherford and Jennybee liked it. Both of them like fancy pants movies. They saw it on the same day at the same theater. They may have even seen it at the same time. NO, as far as I know, they don’t know each other.

Fitness and other craziness.

It’s amazing how the minute you commit to posting daily on your blog that life will suddenly get a lot busier so that you’re too busy living to write all the time.

I have made a new commitment to fitness. I am by all accounts fat. Back in the day (like high school and college), I was a “normal” weight so I’ve not always been fat and am definitely not accustomed to the sneers, snickering, and biases that fat people endure. To be fair, I’m not sure that anyone ever gets used to the abuse that people dish out towards the fat. People are MEAN! no wait.


to fat people.

Starting June 1st, I committed to doing 45 minutes of exercise a day with a day of rest. This means 6 days of exercise. I’ve been doing running every other day or 3 of the 6 days. The other three days are something else.

I finally did my initial push up challenge. I managed to push out 5. My arms and chest hate me now.

I haven’t done the sit up challenge. I keep doing other core exercises other than bonafide situps. I’m not sure what I want to do about that. I’ll probably do the set up test tomorrow.

I also found via this site, the 200 squat challenge today so I’m thinking I can try that as well.

I figure that running and doing the situp, push up, and squat challenges with some yoga would be something I can do this summer that will shape me up. I have found that I can’t eat heavy before running and somehow exercise makes me eat less. No really. I had a big lasagna dinner the first day I ran and threw up. Okay that was TMI but it happens.

So that’s what I’m doing this month.

Running day. every day

“The Hero lies in you” — Mariah Carey

Tomorrow is National Running Day.

According to the website.

National Running Day is a national initiative whereby many of the major organizations within the running industry are joining forces in an unprecedented unified effort to nationally and locally promote running as a healthy, easy, and accessible form of exercise. The inaugural National Running Day will be Wednesday, June 3.

I ran the Little Rock Half Marathon in March. I must confess that I haven’t stayed on schedule after the post race tapering down phase. I was there for a little while and then it began to rain every day. Well, I’m not going to excuse it. I just didn’t get back to any sort of mileage.

Being a woman who is a chronic list maker, I always manage to take a half year assessment of my life and make a list of the things I want to do in the following year. Sometimes I look at my New Year’s resolutions and see how I’m doing with those. It just depends.

I am very proud for completing the big goal of completing a half marathon. I’m going to start running 4 days a week starting yesterday. There’s another half marathon in Conway around October. I intend to finish that and I want to try the Little Rock Marathon next march. I guess I better get training.

Sunday Mishmash

A special thanks to Blake’s Think Tank for this hilarious rap from some Dartmouth conservatives. Oh yeah they have their own website . Oh, they’re not TRYING to be funny which only makes it more funny.

Athletes at the U of A cheating? hrmmm. Via Arkansas Times

All the drama and stress surrounding sick and dying kittens wore me out. I did, however, get some running in this weekend as well as a substantial amount of sleep. So for me, I guess the weekend was a good one. I signed up for National Blog Month (or whatever its called) so dammit. You folks get daily post for the month of June. OH ROCK!

Would You Slap Your Father? If So, You’re a Liberal WOW. Just WOW! I’m not sure what to say about that. (thanks to Blonde Justice)

I love lists on Friday.

I’m borrowing this from Sharon

  1. Is Our Personality Written in Our Handwriting This is a fascinating site about analyzing your (and other people’s) handwriting.
  2. Okay I’m getting a kick out of SWIM. I admit it.
  3. Some people in Hot Springs are reenacting Smokey and the Bandit on Monday. This cracks me up to no end. This, to me, is pee in my pants funny. I grew up watching the Bandit movies and knew all the words to those Jerry Reed songs. I still have a soft spot for those goofy Jerry Reed songs. They’re as much a part of my childhood as bellbottom pants and Garanimals.
  4. David Sedaris!!!
  5. I have said it once. I will say it again. The biggest flamewars, heated discussions, etc. in Arkansas are on the Arkansas Eats blog. Arkansans are sensitive about their food. T
  6. My town is having its annual town festival, complete with its own 5K. This was the first paid 5K I ran about 2 years ago. (maybe 3). It should be interesting to try it again. I remember the Sheriff asking me around 2 (he was blocking traffic) if I thought I was going to finish. At the finish line, he was all “oooh you made it” No he didn’t get re-elected.
  7. I got a weekend to rest up and get over my sinus infection. (no I don’t have swine flu or N87195710760161 virus or whatever it is)

TV angst, running, and mishmash.

I had a feeling from watching Chuck that the producers were pushing the show in a position where if it was canceled that it would be seen as tying up some loose ends. Of course, my gut was right and there is talk about the show being canceled. .

What the? Chuck is a hilarious show. It has better ratings than Gossip Girl.

So runners. I have noticed the trend of skirts. I found these from OldNavy. Are they helpful? One of my problems as an overweight runner trying to become regular weight through running is that my thighs rubbing together produces this awful friction type burn. It seems similar to carpet burn but it’s your own skin rubbing against each other. It’s horrible. There is Body Glide which is amazing for this problem. There’s also Vaseline but that’s sticky.

Leggings or bicycle pants type capris have always been an alternative that takes care of that problem but then you have the problem of your butt feeling all exposed to the world and if you’re a larger person, you’re not exactly wanting your butt doing that. I’m wondering if these would be a good purchase.

I haven’t kept track of my running. I know I do it and my nikeipod thing keeps track of it but I couldn’t tell you how often I run. I have an idea how far I go each time but past that I don’t know. I don’t even know if I’m getting health benefits. l? Hcdoing that

Things in the near future that make me happy like a kid in a candystore.

  • After reading this post about the crazy workouts that Madonna and Gwenyth endure to stay movie star thin, I’m not feeling so bad about the chub right now. Two hours a day. That’s a part time job.
  • Riverfest! is coming in six weeks. The B-52s. Willie Nelson! My guess is that they will be playing at the same time to cause me to rue the lack of cloning technology in 2009. This is a fun event and worth the road trip if you live somewhere not so close.
  • Memphis in May is also coming. Can you tell I like live music? Just a little bit? Steve Miller Band, Katy Perry, The Cult, Al Green, Korn and George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic.. Oh and did I mention there was BBQ? Uh huh.
  • OLD 97s in TULSA
  • Macarthur Park 5K. Someone left the cake in the rain! oops I’ll shut up now.
  • Arkansas Literary Festival. Books books and more books. Oh and David Sedaris is coming to read in October. Yeah I know what I said about his latest book. I’m still going to be there.
  • Arkansas Shakespeare theater presents Boondogs. Raffles. I love the Boondogs.

So yes there’s a lot to do and see. Fun times hanging out with friends are a coming.

I'm officially not young anymore.

I was born in the evening around the time most people are watching the evening news.

My friend Mofo is going on a trip later this year with Contiki. I checked out their website and saw all these cool trips. Then I saw this

. What makes traveling with Contiki different is not only do we take 18-35 year old travelers from around the world to the most desirable destinations, but we also encourage them to experience these places in a completely subjective and unique way. It’s not just what you see, it’s how you see it.

*Gasp* I’m too….OLD! I ran to the mirror. I believe I got MORE GRAY HAIR!

Well maybe not old but I have officially hit a milestone. I am no longer considered young. Young is, for demographics purposes, eighteen to thirty-five. Today, I hit the 36 post. I am no longer young. I’m apparently too old to get away with the stupidity of youth. I’m no longer a “stupid college kid” or a “fresh young thing straight out of college.” I am, for all practical purposes, old enough to know better.

Of course, this means that I’m feeling really stupid right now.

The day was a lazy day. Actually, it was a day filled with a long to do list but no immediate deadlines. I procrastinated like a champ. I got a PhD in procrastination. I had two clients come and I ended up chatting with them for long periods of time. I guess that wasn’t wasted time. I was rapport building. I got some paperwork done. No upsetting drama filled phone calls. Then I went home and ate one of my favorite meals (lasagna). I got some presents from my parents. News that the grandparents presents were coming in the mail. Watched some TV. Kicked some ass on Mafia wars over the course of the day. Pretty nice.

Of course, this is birthday week and the weekend is for the MEEK to END.

With my birthday being about ninety days from the beginning of the year, it’s a good time to reassess my goals and test out those resolutions.

1. My running has been fairly consistent and good. I’m gaining fitness with fewer walk breaks and my pace is getting faster. Unfortunately, I haven’t done enough hill training and need to find some hilly terrain with sidewalks or a large shoulder so I can go up the hills without worrying about death and dismemberment due to an automobile accident.

2. I had intention of doing yoga at least twice a week. I also entertained the 100 pushup challenge and the 200 sit-ups challenge. To date, I haven’t even done the diagnostic test on either one. So I’m guessing I should start with something. I at least need some sort of strength training.

3. There is the career management thing which I’ve thought about and I’ve gone to events and shaken hands and made contacts. Usually if I met someone, I either get a card or google where they work (if they tell me) and send a “nice to meet you” note with a card. Yeah I’m cheesetastic. Or a networking genius. Still actual bonafide job hunting is slow. Focus on marketing here. hrmm… not sure.. NOT SURE AT ALL.

4. I know that one goal was to complete the Little Rock Marathon and I DID IT! woo hooo. I had a goal of trying a marathon near the end of the year. That’s 9 more months to train. it’s doable. I’ll still be the last person to finish but I can definitely get the fitness level to finish. I will pick a flatter course than Little Rock, for good measure.

5. I also am planning to be more social. I’m working on it.

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