Sometimes, Melissa runs her legs. Sometimes, she runs her mouth.

Tag: holidailies (Page 3 of 5)


December 7 – Community Prompt: Community. Where have you discovered community, online or otherwise, in 2010? What community would you like to join, create or more deeply connect with in 2011? (Author: Cali Harris)

This year, I discovered community in a variety of places. I’ve found myself among a community of runners. The same people seem to run the same races every year and there’s a core group of people who seem to run the same races that I run. I also managed to rekindle old friendships and make new ones out of the death of my friend Angela: many high school classmates came back. Since her death, I have spent time with her family including her parents and her cousins. I’ve also managed to go to the tweetups in Little Rock and meet quite a few people there. I’m considered a “LRTWEETER” so there you go. That is not even counting the community of attorneys I have met over the past year. Community, like family or life even, is what you make of it.

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Hello, it’s Holidailies time and things I’ve made

It’s that time of the year. It’s Holidailies time. A time when tons of busy people agree to post an entry a day during the busiest time of the year. (December 6-January 6). I’ve done this before and it’s quite difficult to do it in a way where it’s not completely vapid navel gazing crap. That hasn’t stopped me before.

The first prompt says “introduce yourself” and so here goes, I’m Melissa. I’m thirty something. I’m an attorney. I live in Arkansas. I am attempting to get fit and I like running and yoga. I am quite broad in my emotional states which is probably more fun to watch than to live.

Oh and I’m also doing Reverb 10 this year too. Here’s the prompt.

What was the last thing you made? What materials did you use? Is there something you want to make, but you need to clear some time for it?

(Author: Gretchen Rubin)

The last thing I made was a slight variation on The Pioneer Woman’s Pasta with Tomato Cream Sauce. IN my version, I used penne pasta. I also added more garlic than listed and added red pepper flakes. I was attempting to recreate the pink sauce from Damgoode pies out of Little Rock. I used fresh garlic and a fresh onion. I used tomato sauce out of a can and some organic heavy cream. There you go.

I really want to make a clutch out of a book, like the one Natalie Portman is holding in this picture.

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Reverb10 catch up (December 2nd)

Another Reverb10 prompt

What do you do each day that doesn’t contribute to your writing — and can you eliminate it?
(Author: Leo Babauta)

My self conscious perfectionism. Sometimes I will write something and then get antsy and not press publish. Sometimes, it is for the best: it’s too self revealing or some topic that in retrospect, I don’t want out there for the world to see. Other times, it’s due to my sense that I am writing something completely vapid and silly or that my grammar or sentence structure is just heinous.

Now most blogs are not known for their fabulous writing. In fact, the Dooces of the world are the exceptions that prove the rule. Also, life is a combination of the deep and the shallow. Anyone who tells you differently is being a pretentious little shit and you have my permission to slap them. Okay not really, if you are an adult, you could get an assault charge. So don’t slap people!!!

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Catchup: Reverb 10 (December 1st)

This year I signed up to be a part of Reverb 10 and Holidailies. I’ve done Holidailies before and have found it good to review the year. Technically, Holidailies doesn’t start until December 7 but I am an over achiever. I am copying Kyran for Reverb 10. Okay the prompts seem interesting and I think I need some introspection this year.

December 1 – One Word.
Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?
(Author: Gwen Bell)

Catalysts is the word I pick. This year, a lot of things happened that were very big or big in the way it affected who I am. A childhood friend whom had been my confidante since moving back to Arkansas died this year. It was sudden. I didn’t even know she was sick. Well, I knew she had MS but I didn’t know she was in a position where death was imminent. Frankly, she didn’t either. Or she had maybe a month’s warning. She went into a coma and got an infection of some sort and the organs just started dying. I was working and although she was a friend of mine, I wasn’t really friends with her parents and so no one notified me until she was already in a coma. So she’s gone. She’s been gone about six months now. The aftermath has taught me about the integrity and the law. It has taught me about the lengths people will go to get what they want. It’s also taught me about selfishness and generosity.

Also, I have met quite a few new people this year who have the potential to be my friends well into 2011 and beyond. I’ve also managed to discover that other people whom I had invested much time and emotional energy were not good for me: either users who exploited my generous nature or just nasty meanspirited people.

So this year has definitely changed me in ways that I am not sure I will fully understand for quite some time.

Metamorphosis is the word I pick for 2011. I hope all of this outside events will alter me into something the same yet better, not unlike a caterpillar into a butterfly. I am working to not let these things destroy me but to make me into someone I am proud to be. That is my hope for 2011.

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My big fat geek half marathon.

For reasons that to this day I don’t fully comprehend, I have always been a person that other people underestimate. For example, my guidance counselor recommended that instead of taking AP English and Calculus that I take a two period class called Office Lab that taught you how to use all the secretarial machines. I ended up being the one who made the perfect score on the Calculus semester test. There was the time this girl told me that my boyfriend was “TOO FINE” to be dating “someone like me.” (How she managed to live with all her hair perfectly placed on her head, I’ll never know). When I had my first meeting with my piano teacher in DC, I bought a piece I could play to show him my level of proficiency. He told me that this was a “very difficult piece.” Yeah I played it. He was impressed. UH HUH. That’s what I thought.

I’m thinking maybe I should get “that’s what I thought” tattooed on my butt.

Sometimes, I have found that I underestimate myself. I’m a perfectionist and see my flaws and weaknesses a lot more than I see my strengths. As a result, I like to do something that scares me a little to remind me that I’m alive and capable.

I began running in DC. DC has some beautiful running routes. There is the National Mall, which has a gravel trail where you can run from the Capital to the Lincoln Memorial and back again. The sidewalks are wide enough that you can run across the Memorial Bridge into Arlington National Cemetery. Rock Creek Park has a bike and running trail.

Sometime relatively soon after I started running, I thought about completing a marathon. It sounded so over the top that I just had to do it. I had a friend doing the Aids Marathon training program and through that I learned about the Galloway Method

So I put the marathon on my bucket list. I then broke it down to the smaller goals with a 5K, 10K, and a half marathon on my list as well.

Life happened. I moved. I gained a ton of weight. One day woke up and realized, HOLY SHIT I”M FAT! I’m really really fat! and started back to running . . very very slowly. So far I’ve lost about 20 pounds.

Last Saturday was my half marathon: The Little Rock Marathon in, where else, Little Rock, Arkansas. I printed out the training schedule on the site and went to town.

As any longtime reader of “run melissa run” knows, I have been panicking about this race for a good two weeks. I’ve never run a race with this many people. I had visions of being trampled by other runners. I’d never run a race this long. Would the hills kill me? Will I lose my timing chip? lots of concerns.

They turned out to be unfounded. I took pictures. Here we go.

packet pick up

This is where I picked up my “packet” with my number, timing clip, and all the necessary items needed for the race. The expo was nice. I met some of the nicest people while I was there. Runners, as a group, tend to be really nice people. Maybe it’s true what they say about endorphins and mood. I saw lots of nice things and ended up doing a little shopping.

Cool shirts at the expo.

I did not buy either one of these t-shirts.


I bought The Stick, which is billed as a “self massager” (no not that kind of massager). IT was worth its weight in gold. I got some gloves, a ponytail headband, a bumper sticker, a magnet, and some jelly beans.

I did my carbo loading at Dam Good Pies. This is an awesome restaurant with great food. I highly recommend it.

Best shirt ever.

I almost wore this shirt to the race, thinking it would be hilarious and might give the spectators a little chuckle. Then I remembered that my pants were black. Oops.

The race itself. Well 6 a.m. is really freaking early. My mother wanted to go with me and since I’m not a morning person, I was more than happy to have someone else with me to wake my sleepy head up for the race.

I started the race with my intent to do 2 minute running/1 minute walk break splits for the duration and I kept this up easy breezy until somewhere between mile 9 and 10.

Around mile 7. (when mothers with cameras attack)

This picture is around mile seven. Our hotel was on the race route and my mother waited and came outside and took this picture. Obviously, I’m not what you would call pleased with my mother playing Paparazzi.

Somewhere around mile 9 and 10, I got real tired. This route was significantly more hilly than the training area in my town. In fact, Little Rock is a lot more hilly than Melissa land in general. The hills had gotten to me. I began walking up the hill in front of the Governor’s Mansion. After that, I pretty much walked the rest of the route. My goal was just to finish. I didn’t care if I was last.

I finally got to the last turn. I got some lipstick at the lipstick aid station and crossed the finish line about 3 1/2 hours later. One person cut off my timing tag. Another person put my finisher’s medal around my neck.

My finisher's medal

(my finisher’s medal)

And none other than Mr. TMFW himself put the mylar blanket around me to keep me warm. By this point, I was so tired I wanted him to tuck me in bed with some warm milk and read me a bedtime story.

The post race atmosphere is a little odd. People are tired and yet supportive. I ate a slice of pizza, some chocolate milk, and a banana. I found my mother. I called my Dad.

“Hey Dad”
“So how did it go?”
“It went alright”
“Did you finish all 13 miles”

Uh huh that’s what I thought.

Bragging rights.

I learned a lot during that race. I learned that I need to find more hills for training purposes. I learned that in running, like life, the two biggest things are to show up and to keep going when times are tough. Everything else is gravy.



This is the last day of Holidailies and dammit I made it. I posted something every day. By golly, I did it.
I had an epiphany.

Writing something every day is hard. Writing something every day that doesn’t suck dog shit. REALLY REALLY HARD!

For me personally, 2008 was a year where I learned a lot about what I don’t like. I don’t like small towns. I don’t like the xenophobic homogeneity that seems to flourish in a town where everybody seems the same. The knee jerk volatile reaction to anything that even appears to interrupt the status quo is cumbersome.

I don’t understand a place that would squander an education to pay for a football team’s equipment so that team can win a state championship. I don’t understand the demonization of intellectualism.

I don’t understand a place that would allow for a person’s property to be vandalized because of the color of their skin.

I don’t understand a place that could call the first African American being elected president the number seventh most important news story of the year.

I learned that I miss playing piano.

I miss urban amenities like art and live music clubs.

I also learned that I mistyped by email address on my stumbleupon account and I can’t retrieve my password.

Thanks Holidailies readers. See you next year.

The plans of mice and men will sometimes freeze their butts off.

I had some business in Little Rock and I had planned to call my friend John and take him up on that offer to buy me a gyro from LAYLA’S HALAL. I also planned to go see the Warhol exhibition at the Arts Center. Alas, by the time I made it to my appointment and looked out the window, icicles had already begun forming on the branches of the trees. This meant that I pretty much drove straight back home. I was disappointed by this because my temperment is more suited to city dwelling with its gyro serving museum exhibit seeing tempo. OH what the hell, I really just wanted a bitchin (and free to me because John offer to pay) gyro!

I did discover that my Garmin works and the first time ride with the thing telling me to drive into a lake was a fluke. (seriously it told me to drive straight…into a lake. Okay to be fair the lake wasn’t on the Garmin. The Garmin saw a road there).

In life, I’ve been told I feel too much. In therapy, I get told that I intellectualize everything and don’t let myself feel enough. Who the hell knows?! I do know that even through trying times, I am able to compartmentalize things. If in public, someone is able to yell and say nasty things and I won’t cry. No matter how shitty things are, I have a complete inability to cry in public. Then later in the privacy of my own solitude, I will break down. I guess sometimes, I don’t give myself that appointment with solitude in order to let it out. Maybe I have some sort of emotional constipation where I have a backlog of shit. That was some nice imagery. I love myself.

Compartmentalizing is not completely without its perks. I was able to be sexually assaulted by a man and kick academic ass in the class that we both shared because no one was willing to kick him out of it. I was able to be the Veronica Mars of DC and investigate crime scenes and whatnot. Being able to keep on keeping on is a good thing. The bad thing is that sometimes you keep on keeping on and forget to take care of yourself. You will keep walking on that sprained ankle until you can’t walk anymore. Sometimes you forget to eat or eat everything in sight because you’re just keeping on and doing anything to keep on and keep from thinking about anything of any emotional significance. Sometimes you keep on and don’t see a problem until it’s pointed out by someone else.

movies and running.

“I hope you’re proud of who you’ve become and if not, I hope you have the strength to start all over.” –The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Last night, I saw The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. This was a fine large film that runs over two hours, has an all star cast, and covers the span of 80 years in its story telling.

Like anything involving life, the movie has some incredibly slow parts with some exciting parts and some profound parts. The combination of CGI, makeup, and other filmmaking tomfoolery that made Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett age over the course of this movie was amazing. The movie was based in New Orleans which is a city with a character all its own. Since this is a movie about the ephemerality of life, a city where the graves have to be above ground or the dead will float to the surface and voodoo shops are still around seems to be an appropriate setting.

The entire movie had this sepia tone tinge to it even though it was made in color. The performances were great.

The theme is a little heavy handed (Life is short and nothing is forever) but it is sweet just the same.

BEFORE THE MOVIE, I saw the trailer to the Star Trek movie. it was 100 types of awesome.

I also saw Welcome to the Dollhouse. I never realized that Daniel from Ugly Betty was the “popular rockstar guy” That was surreal. It was painfully realistic about the hell that is junior high. Almost too realistic to be funny but somehow the movie managed to make me laugh. Oh the hilarity.

Today’s eight mile “long run” was tiring. I wasn’t feeling good. I didn’t get much sleep the night before but I did it. My pace was slow but I did it.

I’m tired. Real tired. I also feel like I’ve settled which is a tiring realization. Tomorrow I get off my butt and do something about it.

Totally awesome videos … again

Yeah I know Usain Bolt got criticism for dancing and celebrating before he even crossed the finish line of his 100 meter dash but dammit, the man can run.

Kathy Griffin is so wrong yet so right.

Chris Rock is talking about racism and making me bust a gut from laughing.

Dave Chappelle is talking about racial differences. I was reminded of this today when my friend mentioned giving her kids “grape drink.”

Here’s a very rare tape of Anne Sexton reading “Her Kind”

This is a recording of Sylvia Plath reading “Daddy” with a video of photos over the audio. Her voice sounds like my stereotypical “Snotty girl” voice. That amuses me greatly. For some reason, I always thought she had a higher pitched voice.

This is the Benjamin Button trailer. I’m going to go see this which is why you got some videos instead of an actual written entry.

Deep and not so deep thoughts.

I’m tired. I ran 5 miles anyway so I’m probably a little loopy right now. Let’s run with it.

Does anybody else think those Snuggie things look like Monk habits? Oh wait. Diablo Cody does.

Since I live over 90 miles from the nearest Indian restaurant, I thought I would try out this chicken tikka masala sauce I found at Williams Sonoma. Also, I found a recipe for Naan that seems good.

I’m chuckling that Leatherfest is coinciding with the Presidential Inauguration. I would be laughing even harder if it had coincided with a McCain Presidential Inauguration. I still want a picture of the guy with the assless chaps.

Don’t get me wrong. I am way happy that Obama won.

My Garmin tried to kill me yesterday. It told me to go straight into a lake. Oops. Hal has nothing on my Garmin.

I’m all upset about Gaza and just want to get all Rodney King with Hamas and the Israelis. “Can’t you all just get along?” Apparently the answer is no.

Funny quote of the Christmas season: “I told my kids that Santa didn’t exist because I was tired of him getting credit for all my cool gifts”

Funniest conversation of the Christmas season: (overheard Mom telling kids to put out nuts for Santa’s reindeer)
Me: I thought you told me that you told your kids that Santa didn’t exist.
Friend: I did. They didn’t believe me.


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