Sometimes, Melissa runs her legs. Sometimes, she runs her mouth.

Tag: 2010 (Page 5 of 5)

*cough* *cough*

Spring is upon us! Do you know what this means? Warm temperatures! Sun! Green leaves! Flowers!

And Pollen.


and lots

of pollen.

The thin yellow powder looks has formed a light film over the entire town. Gussying up cars, the sidewalks, and the sinuses of every being that has a sinus or two.

So there is coughing and sneezing.


and spitting up tapioca pudding style phlegm.

Wait? There’s no aching in allergies!.

And that pudding style stuff..

DAMN I got a COLD during Allergy season.

yes folks. I am sick. Been laying in the bed and sleeping a lot. Coughing so hard that I pee in my pants. Getting old isn’t pretty people. It’s not pretty at all.

I haven’t been to work in the past two days. I did go manage to have a great Easter with my extended family. I took lots of pictures. I will have to download them later.

Half Marathon

Since this was my second time to run/walk the Little Rock marathon, I wasn’t exactly what you could call nervous or excited. It seemed like a natural thing to do. I was, however, a little nervous about the fact that a back number was not in my packet. I read the fees and it had language about disqualification. So I was a little anxious about that. Then again I wasn’t going to win so what would disqualification get me anyway.

I woke up and my hotel had a complimentary (err included in room fee) breakfast. I ate a bagel and banana. There were a lot of fellow runners in the lobby. One guy had named himself “Sexy Canadian” on his name badge. I got some reassurance that I wasn’t the only one who didn’t receive a “back badge” saying half and others weren’t wearing them so I didn’t feel too bad about not having one.

Then it was time to go. There’s always this buzz right before a race where you feel more alive than you will ever feel in your entire life . . . . until the next race. It’s a mixture of pure adrenaline, anticipation, and nervousness.

AND we’re off.

And I was running… then walking.. then running… then… woah what’s that in my back.

I knew it was going to be a tough race because the combination of cold and constant rain made my training pretty much non-existent. I wasn’t expecting to make the decision to walk from mile 4. So I walked.

And what a walk it was. It was sunny and it was warm. The people were cheering. I wasn’t expecting to be last. Being last is funny because there is a jeep (or van or truck) following you to let the police officers and others know that they can open traffic back up after it passes. I felt like a dictator. A benevolent dictator holding traffic up while I go on my morning stroll.

And my morning stroll became an afternoon stroll as I came in around 12:22. I came in a whole hour later than I did the year before. That was a little embarrassing. But I got my medal and I was quite proud of myself.

Sometimes the best race isn’t the one you win. It’s the race you lose with a blaze of glory. There’s honor in not going gently into that good night.

Okay I’ll stop with the cliches.

Afterward, I ate some “Perks place” grub and got one of the complimentary massages. OH lord. Some women want to marry doctors and lawyers. Screw that I’m all about the massage therapist.

So I finished and managed to knock two things down off my bucket list.

Half Marathon Eve

Tomorrow morning is “race day” or the Little Rock Marathon Of course, I’m doing the half this year. My training was not what I had hoped. I let the rainy schedule mess with my schedule and I can’t do treadmills.

It should be interesting. So my goal is to finish it in the 4 hours alloted.

So yee haww.

I do get a big kick going to the Expo. There’s always other races with booths there. They have pamphlets outlining their race and they’ll have medals from years past. There’s all these running gear shops like One more mile and Run like a girl. They have the stickers with the “13.1” and the “26.2” There were several different slogans that i liked including “Yes I run like a girl . . . try to keep up” Another one is “You don’t have to go fast. You just have to go” (or something like that) There’s always the “will run for wine” and “Will run for beer.”

My number one favorite t-shirts are “13.1: I don’t go all the way” and it’s counterpart “26.2: I go all the way”

Yes, sex sells even in running gear.

There’s all the interesting people. There’s people from everywhere. There’s the 50 staters (people who try to run a marathon in each of the 50 states) and a bunch of other folks. The races are addictive. There’s something about them.

I’m typing this in the “business center” of a local hotel and so the pictures are just not here. This year is a little anticlimactic. Last year was my first race and there was all this pre race jitters and while I do have a sense of anxiety and excitement, it is nowhere near the level of frenzy of last year.

It’s surprisingly calm. My only source of angst is that I didn’t get a “back number” and I am scared I am going to get disqualified. I didn’t bother looking in my envelope of goodies to check to see if i had it. They opened it up to show my number and pulled a tag off to designate that I had gotten my t-shirt but no back number. I guess I need to go early. yikes.

My mother came up with me again this year. I’m guessing the Little Rock marathon is going to be a tradition where I bond with my Mom. We ate at Chi’s and let rice be our carbo loading. She’s got a lot of cheering to do tomorrow.

Sometimes I make stuff up to make people laugh.

I love being funny. I love making people laugh. I’m not sure where this urge came from because when I was a child, I was extremely shy and didn’t like attention at all. I learned at some point that I can be funny and make people laugh and so now I have the urge to do it more than is necessarily proper.

So here is a time when it probably was proper. I was making up this stuff as I was going along. Some would say it’s a gift from God. Others might say I have the Devil in me. So here goes.

So I met this guy in a bar. Okay it wasn’t like that but it was a bar in Little Rock and I met him. So here’s how it went. I’m changing the person’s name to “Dude.” The conversation went something like this.

Dude: Have I seen you somewhere before?

me: I don’t know? Have you?

Dude: I swear I have. Do you live here?

me: no but I do visit quite often. I like live music.

Dude: oh that might be where. I go out a lot. (proceeds to mention bars)

me: yeah I’ve been there once or twice.

Dude: I’ve a little drunk right now.

me: yeah a little. I can tell. You’re animated but you’ll remember everything the next morning. One more drink and you’re making ridiculously bad decisions that you’ll remember. You’ll be calling your friend, “I can’t believe you let me go home with her. I thought you were my friend. What’s wrong with you?”

At this point, Dude begins to crack up and almost falls on the floor laughing.

Dude: that happened to me last week

Me: really. Happens to the best of us. But seriously. What kind of wingman is that? That’s a broken wingman. He’s supposed to make you look good to the hotties and block you from the notties. Broken wingman.

Dude: haaaa broken wingman..

Me: If his taste are that off from yours, you can do him a favor and give all of your ‘notties” his phone number.

Dude: (laughing… almost choked on his drink…. more laughing. then he gets real quiet) ooooh that’s a good one.

Me: Yep that’s right. Give them his number. He’ll think about the consequences of his actions in the future. umm hmmmm.

I have no idea. I was making it up as I was going along. I was fueled by the laughter.

101 update and woah my life is busssy

You know the minute I publically promise to post on this blog every day and I get a life: a busy life away from the computer. I will confess that I do keep up with twitter and facebook via my BlackBerry but past that, I haven’t been online that much outside of work. I have managed to get more disciplined about surfing on the job so that’s a plus.

1001 days from today is Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My first problem. I can’t think of 101 things to do. So I guess #1 is to figure out 101 things.

  1. To complete a marathon
  2. To complete two half marathons (I’ve signed up for the Little Rock Marathon so barring injury, I am halfway there)
  3. To complete the 100 push up challenge (I haven’t even done the initial fitness test on these. I need to get started)
  4. To complete the 200 sit up challenge
  5. To complete the 200 squat challenge
  6. Try drinking green monsters for a week.
  7. Drink 64 ounces of water a day.
  8. Run 3 times a week (2/143 (there are 143 weeks in 1001 days) Subgoal is for 3 months. If I can do it straight for then I will cross it off the list.
  9. Yoga twice a week X/143 with subgoal of 2 times a week for three months. Hopefully it will be a habit by then.
  10. Get a bike
  11. Try a triathalon
  12. Get my passport renewed (as of today, I have an application)
  13. Go back to Africa
  14. Go to Washington DC
  15. Go to a Little Rock Tweet up
  16. Go to the Little Rock Film Festival
  17. Go to Memphis in May
  18. Go to Voodoo Music festival in New Orleans
  19. Build a Habitat for Humanity house
  20. See the William Faulkner things in Oxford, Mississippi
  21. See the Hemingway things in Piggott, Arkansas
  22. Lose 100 pounds (what? one pound every 10 days)
  23. Read 100 books
  24. Read all Faulkner novels
  25. Get a Smart phone (blackberry or iphone) I got a BlackBerry Storm around Christmas time.
  26. Get Linked In profile up date
  27. Grow linked in Network (working on it)
  28. Go to National Association for Criminal Defense lawyers annual meeting.
  29. Try a jury trial
  30. Win a jury trial
  31. Get certified for conflicts list in Arkansas State court (got papers)
  32. Get certified for CJA list in federal court
  33. Get practice management software/system set up
  34. Get time management system set up (probably something like Randy Pausch’s system)
  35. Clean office (big clean)
  36. After big clean, pick once a week to clean office X/143
  37. See all Harry Potter movies as they come out saw Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince on 7/17/2009)
  38. Get professional site up and running (already bought domain)
  39. Blog on my legal site once a week (starting from completion of set up)
  40. Move to a better living situation.
  41. Get over fear of dentist and get all my dental work done
  42. Get a pair of black Manolo pumps. (I never said they couldn’t be shallow things)
  43. Get a Vespa.
  44. Keep brows groomed with once a month waxing appointments1/34
  45. get a professional massage
  46. get facial
  47. Try sushi (no i’ve never tried it)
  48. See Nine Inch Nails or the Dandy Warhols in Concert. (I figure one or the other will tour in the next three-ish years) Okay guys Nine INch Nails has already done their last concert EVER and I missed it. EPIC FAIL!
  49. Learn ballroom or salsa dancing.
  50. Figure out the perfect margarita recipe.
  51. Finish learning Hungarian Rhapsody #2. (yeah I dream big. I might be closer to this than you think)
  52. Learn Un Sospiro by Liszt
  53. give blood
  54. put $5000 in savings. (hopefully more)
  55. Try acupuncture
  56. Send a letter or other type of non business/ non holiday related snail mail once a month 0/34
  57. Participate in the 365 day photo challenge
  58. Identify 101 things that make me happy
  59. Put my attorney profile on Law Link
  60. Try the 21 day challenge
  61. Clear out 101 items for yardsale, recycling, or trash. (I’m a clutter bug, this is actually a low number)
  62. Advertise my business on MonticelloLive
  63. mail a secret to Post Secret
  64. See my grandmother in person at least once every two months. (seriously it’s been so long since I’ve seen my grandma and she only lives 50 miles away)
  65. Go to my 10 year law school reunion
  66. Go to my 15 year college reunion
  67. Go to my 20 year high school reunion (yes they all fall within the 1001 days)
  68. Organize and attend Arkansas Governor’s School class of 1990 reunion. (apparently no one else is going to organize it so it might as well be me)
  69. Try a pomegranite margarita
  70. Make the roast chicken from Julia Child’s Mastering the Art of French cooking
  71. Plan a 5K for charity. (I have this for work and am in the process of doing it)
  72. Try a mojito.
  73. Try the homemade Moon pie from Capital Bar and Grill.
  74. Cook a souffle
  75. Try one new recipe a month. (Yes I’m really up on the cooking)
  76. Run in 6 5ks
  77. Have molefest with Tom
  78. Get a budget set up either via Quicken or mint or something else.
  79. See Fellini’s 8 1/2
  80. Eat more ice cream (Thanks LRtweetup)
  81. Finish the rest of the list (July 15, 2009)
  82. Keep monthly blog updates on my progress (bwahahahahahhahahah yeah that has sooo happened)
  83. Finish list

Best resolutions ever.

Well I’m a day late but I am taking the NANOBLOMO challenge and am going to be posting something every day for this month. (bwahahahah)

I spent yesterday at my grandmother’s house eating the traditional New Year’s Day foods and was away from the internet.

So today it’s resolution time.

Here we go.

  • I will not kill any small children or animals in 2010
  • I will finish the Little Rock half marathon with a faster time than last year’s Little Rock Half Marathon. (This shouldn’t be too hard, I more or less cramped out about 2/3 of the way through. The time was 3 hours 26 minutes 20 seconds)
  • I will make Duck L’Orange from Julia Child’s Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Vol. 1
  • I will eat all the ice cream I want. (*wink* to LR tweetup)
  • Less whining and more productivity. This is the “If you’re not going to do something about it, then don’t bitch” which means if something makes me unhappy enough to bitch about it then I will find out what I can do to change it. This may end up being that I just need to lighten the hell up.
  • I will try to be healthier by keeping a food journal all year. I will attempt to use Weight Watchers point system and see if I can’t lose weight, too
  • I will start the 100 push up challenge
  • I will start the 200 sit up challenge
  • I will blog here at least once a week
  • I will see Fellini’s 8 1/2
  • I will attend my college reunion
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