Sometimes, Melissa runs her legs. Sometimes, she runs her mouth.

Category: Melissa’s life (Page 9 of 20)

Mr. McCance, You are a douchebag

Man when Mr.Sulu calls you a douchebag. You know you’ve hit a low.

Dark and Spooky but may no more

I haven’t said much lately. It’s not that I haven’t had much to say, it’s more that what I have had to say lately isn’t pleasant. It’s sad and self-loathing. I have a tendency to lean towards being a perfectionist and in certain times of my life, it can really bite me in the ass..

In fact, for every situation that is a setback, I will ruminate and wonder “if I was only smarter, pretty, more fit, more savvy, more more more something, then this wouldn’t have happened to me.” It’s always somehow my fault and due to some lack that I possess. What could I have done differently? Why did I see this coming? I’m an idiot. I’m going to continue to be an idiot for the end of time. Why would anybody want to hang out with an idiot? damn I’m an idiot and a loser. oh lord. Lather, rinse, repeat.

As you can plainly see, this is a crazy making mantra and without someone to slap back into reality and to remind me that I am fairly smart and that everybody makes mistakes and in the grand scheme of things, most of my mistakes aren’t that bad, (no prison, no bad marriages, nobody is trying to kill me, no rehab) I can go to sad sack of shit land pretty fast. I do believe the above is a run on sentence but I am keeping it. Take that perfectionism. Eh that’s more like lazy ass grammar in the wee hours of the morning.

And yet, I spent more time than I would like being unhappy and discontent. It’s never good enough in Melissa land or more specifically, I am never good enough.

Sometimes this knowledge keeps me from getting out of bad situations or leaving bad people behind because I will think that if I just do something things will get better. I can make that person respect me or like me. Now Bonnie Raitt has already let everybody and their mama know, “I can’t make you love me if you don’t” So I need to get with the program and cut some fools loose.

Yeah all that self indulgent crap above means I have been doing a lot of laying around on the couch feeling like dog poop and trying to figure out how to make it better. It also means I am on the verge of changing a whole bunch of stuff about my life.

SO there you go.

I am making plans to move. This town is a bad fit for me and it’s been time for years. I have tried and tried like no other but dammit, it’s just not working.

I signed up for National Novel Writing Month

I signed up to do the Little Rock half marathon again

Halloween music

Someone on Twitter asked about Halloween music that was upset enough for running. I don’t remember who but I do have some songs that are creepy and have a pace worthy of a good jog. Here we go.

  1. Thriller by Michael Jackson. This is a “duh” song for Halloween. It has a rap by Vincent Price. The video includes dancing zombies. What’s not Halloween about this song.
  2. Zombie Jamboree by Rockapella. OKay it has many versions,including Harry Belafonte and the Kingston Trio, but I am picking this one. It’s about Zombies having a party in a cemetery.
  3. Country Death Song by the Violent Femmes. IT’s about a father who throws his daughter down a well.
  4. Ghostbusters theme by Ray Parker Jr. Yeah you know this one. I’m not including the video. I ain’t afraid of no ghost. It’s Synthesizertastic.
  5. Tubular Bells by Mike Oldfield. It’s the theme to the Exorcist.
  6. Monster by Fred Schneider. THis is Fred Schneider’s solo effort. This video is also one of the first videos to be either banned or regulated to late, late night by MTV.
  7. Lotion in the Basket by Greens Keepers. This is a catchy little tuned based on Jame Gumb from Silence of the Lambs. Yes Precious, it gets the hose.
  8. Monster Mash by Bobby Pickett and the Cryptkickers. IT’s a classic for Halloween.

Life List

I love lists. It is painfully obvious if you look around through the blog archives. I am a habitual list maker. I like the feeling of accomplishment of drawling a line through an item. Once upon a time, I wrote down a bucket list–a list of things I wanted to do before I “kicked the bucket” Now that I think of it, i don’t even remember where it is. Well Just in time, Savannah and Audreya have both put down their “life lists.” So I think I’m going to redo this bugger right here. I’m going to put down the ones I have already done and cross those out.

  1. See Jerry Seinfeld in concert
  2. See the pyramids in Gisa, Egypt
  3. Go on an African Safari
  4. Try a jury trial
  5. Build a Habitat for Humanity House
  6. To complete a marathon
  7. To complete two half marathons
  8. To complete the 100 push up challenge
  9. To complete the 200 sit up challenge
  10. To complete the 200 squat challenge
  11. Try drinking green monsters for a week.
  12. Drink 64 ounces of water a day.
  13. Get back into my yoga habit. I am shooting for two times a week for a month to cross it off this list but seriously. I just want to get back to it. I need exercise in my life
  14. Get a bike
  15. Try a triathalon
  16. Get my passport renewed
  17. Go back to Africa
  18. Go to Washington DC
  19. Go to a Little Rock Tweet up
  20. Go to the Little Rock Film Festival
  21. Go to Memphis in May
  22. Go to Voodoo Music festival in New Orleans
  23. Build a Habitat for Humanity house
  24. See the William Faulkner things in Oxford, Mississippi
  25. See the Hemingway things in Piggott, Arkansas
  26. Lose 100 pounds
  27. Read all Faulkner novels
  28. Get a Smart phone (blackberry or iphone)

  29. Get Linked In profile up date
  30. Grow linked in Network
  31. Go to National Association for Criminal Defense lawyers annual meeting. Okay to be fair this wasn’t the annual meeting but a spring meeting but I counted it.
  32. Try a jury trial
  33. Win a jury trial
  34. Get certified for conflicts list in Arkansas State court
  35. Get certified for CJA list in federal court
  36. Get practice management software/system set up
  37. Get time management system set up (probably something like Randy Pausch’s system)
  38. Clean office (big clean)
  39. After big clean, pick once a week to clean office X/143
  40. See all Harry Potter movies as they come out saw Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince on 7/17/2009)
  41. Get professional site up and running (already bought domain)
  42. Blog on my legal site once a week (starting from completion of set up)
  43. Move to a better living situation.
  44. Get over fear of dentist and get all my dental work done
  45. Get a pair of black Manolo pumps. (I never said they couldn’t be shallow things)
  46. Get a Vespa.
  47. get a professional massage
  48. get facial
  49. Try sushi (no i’ve never tried it)
  50. See Nine Inch Nails or the Dandy Warhols in Concert.
  51. Learn ballroom or salsa dancing.
  52. Figure out the perfect margarita recipe.
  53. Finish learning Hungarian Rhapsody #2. (yeah I dream big. I might be closer to this than you think)
  54. Learn Un Sospiro by Liszt
  55. give blood
  56. Try acupuncture
  57. Participate in the 365 day photo challenge
  58. Identify 101 things that make me happy
  59. Put my attorney profile on Law Link
  60. Try the 21 day challenge
  61. Clear out 101 items for yardsale, recycling, or trash. (I’m a clutter bug, this is actually a low number)
  62. Get this emotional eating under control
  63. walk Across the brooklyn bridge
  64. See all 50 states
  65. Go to PARIS! (the city in France not the heiress)
  66. Advertise my business on MonticelloLive
  67. mail a secret to Post Secret
  68. Go to my 10 year law school reunion
  69. Go to my 15 year college reunion
  70. Go to my 20 year high school reunion (yes they all fall within the 1001 days)
  71. To complete at least 75 percent of my 101 in 1001 with the deadline of April 11, 2012
  72. See Conan O’Brien in concert
  73. Try the Moon pie from Capital Bar and Grill Done. It wasn’t nearly as great as I thought it would be.
  74. Go to Greece
  75. Eat, gaze at art, flirt with men, and buy shoes in Italy
  76. Participate in a protest
  77. Write a novel
  78. Have something published well I had a book review published in the Young Lawyers Section newsletter but I’m not sure I want to count that for this particular item. hrmmm)
  79. Own a T-Anthony all purpose tote in black with white leather accents. Seriously I saw this bag in Vogue about 3 years ago and I am still lusting after this freaking bag. It’s classic enough I could still buy it but on some level I can’t justify buying it.
  80. Read all the books on the Radcliffe list
  81. read all the books on the Modern Library 100 list for fiction
  82. Volunteer for a Presidential campaign
  83. See Aretha Franklin sing live (she is the real deal)
  84. See the 4th of July fireworks in Washington DC in person

The weekend: Me vs. Cheese

Today is October 10, 2010– also known as binary day. It was also the day that my friend Angela had planned on getting married. She died in early May so that didn’t happen. Her death rocked my world and definitely set forth a period of extreme introspection and some existential angst. (what the hell am I doing with my life, anyway?!?!?!)

This weekend I was determined to get out of the house and out of the mire of the funk that I have managed to let sit on me like dust. Clean that crap out. It’s not productive anymore. I’m going to have some fun.

So I woke up in the wee hours of the noontime and got on the road to meet my friend Ramona for the First Annual World Cheese Dip Championship. That’s right. An entire festival devoted to cheese dip.

Apparently the first cheese dip was created in Arkansas in the 30s for a Mexican Restaurant called Mexico Chiquito. It never occurred to me that everybody at some point didn’t throw a can of Rotel (a tomato and chili blend) and some Velveeta into a pot or bowl and heat that stuff up until it is gooey enough to put on chips. it’s just that ubiquitous around here.

So away we went. The event was slated to start at noon and last until nine in the evening. We got there at two and there were already stations running out of chips.

Danger danger.

That didn’t sway us. We discovered that the two cheese dip powerhouses in Arkansas Stoby’s restaurant and Mexico Chiquito were more than prepared for chips. So we kept getting in those lines and loading up on chips to use to try the other dips.

Mexico Chiquito and Stoby’s were serving the same dips that they serve in their restaurants and they were tasty as ever. Mexico Chiquito is a cheese based dip with spices instead of chunks of tomatoes and peppers so it’s smooth as opposed to chunky. Stoby’s isn’t really spicy but is more creamy cheese goodness.

So the round up.

Ferneau made a crawfish and green chili dip that tasted amazing. It was, however, chunky enough that I wanted to eat it with warm flour tortillas and in that sense considered it some sort of rogue faux fundido (like the fajita chicken and cheese dip concoction that gets called “pollo fundido” at my local mexican place). While I loved it, I couldn’t in good conscious consider it cheese dip.

There was a Tanqueria at the end but there’s was just too runny. Sorry.

There was a local chapter of the Sweet potato queens who served this dip with meat in it that was just pretty tasty. They called themselves Hogs and … err something. I forget. I didn’t take notes.

There was a spinach based cheese dip in the amateur division that had the combination of tomatoes, chilis, cheese, and spinach that was just yummy. Oh I discovered from another blog that it was from an insurance company called Meadors/Adams. it was gosh darn tasty. (thanks Arkansas Foodies)

Dizzy’s had a cheese dip that also got you a dollop of these great salsa on top of it. It was one of my favorites. The salsa itself was so good that I almost wanted to go back and ask for a serving of that by itself.

Apparently, they ran out of cheese dip around 3:30. I got the last non alcoholic beverage at the whole event around 3 o’clock.

Somehow in my very focused quest to get the last non-alcoholic beverage (A Dr. Pepper), I missed some sort of racial smackdown or altercation or something that ended up with one woman crying. I missed crying. How did in the hell did I miss crying? The only thing I remember is hearing “it’s 2010” See guys, I was really, really thirsty.


After we were stuffed, we went to see Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps. It was okay. I didn’t hate it but I was bored enough that I checked twitter halfway through the movie. This was the first time in my entire life that I have done that. It showed me the charisma of Michael Douglas. He stole the scene in every scene he was in. I was enchanted by Carey Mulligan’s pixie cut. I’m not sure if that’s a sign of the overall boringness of the movie or the stunningness of Ms. Mulligan’s hair. I’ll leave that up to you. So I give it a MEH!


I am typing this from my phone because my internet is down and yet my brain is buzzing a mile a minute.

My life is in a complete transition. I am making arrangements to move out of the tiny town that I live in. Apparently, my moving away is threatening or alienating. I have talked to others in the same situation and it is not just me.

Also, I don’t have the right last name and the right Daddy. I haven’t seen a woman who is successful here without being married or born into the right family.

Frankly, I am not sure about all of the factors but I am tired of being the one to make the initiative all the damn time. And I am tired of the too cool for school cold should.

It is enough to zap the will to work hard and the will to try. I am sick of it. So I am working to change it.

I restarted Weight watchers. I did it almost 5years ago. I just started so we’ll see. I did a food diary and realized I stress eat a lot of junk. Junk. So I am cleaning up my diet. Oh and I am going to Zumba classes.

I still miss my friend. There is this bitter custody dispute her ex husband and her parents over the kids. I am not the attorney for either side nor should I be but there is this nagging feeling that I.should have done something. There are these lingering questions and I am hoping just hoping that nothing happens to those kids. Realistically there is nothing I can do. I need serenity or grace or something.

I need to let it go.

All of this change is intimidating and a little scary but I choose to be happy. All of this trying to fit in and get along with people who have no interest in having anything to do with me is not healthy. The ways I have been coping aren’t healthy either.

STRESS KILLS…. or makes you vomit.

Sometimes in life, you want to slap the living shit out of a person. Sometimes in life, you want to slap the living shit out of more than one person. Of course, these people aren’t worth getting assault charges and possibly losing your law license. So you hold it in.

And that makes for a killer headache. That mean nasty bitch slapping rage monster will eat through your brain and try to drill it’s way out of your head through your skull. And oh the head is HURTING. OWEWW. FUCK. KILL ME NOW… No wait.. make it stop

And then you vomit. A lot. You scare the cat. Then the cat feels all sorry for you and lays beside you by the toilet and seems to say in his little meows, “It’s okay honey, I get hair balls too.” and its’ the sweetest thing you’ll ever experience in your life.


Then you’ll go back to sleep and sleep all day. Or a big chunk of the day. Then you’ll wake up crazy hungry.

And your cat will look for you because he knows that sleeping all day is messed up.


Day 2: Listy fresh, slacker stale: More things about me than you ever wanted to know, an introduction

Day two of the 31 Day Blog challenge said “Make a list post” Well I do list quite a bit. Of course, considering that it’s two in the morning, I am cheating and redoing my “about me” with this list. So yeah. cheating

Oh yeah I also agreed to do this flashback thing. Yeah It’s already August 5th. Yeah I should be writing SOMETHING every day. Yeah I should be on day 5 by my own …

No wouldas, couldas, shouldas. I’m writing now.

So this is the “about me” list. Or something. It’s more of an outline.. err.. something. Or Multiple Lists. yeah yeah. Complete with some flashbacks. How about that!!! I am multi-talented. Okay, I’m full of crap, but let’s go with it.

Oh and I think the official Secret in the Sauce Blogger challenge is on day 25 or something like that. But I’m going the distance. I’m
Oh wait. here we go. Let’s call the an introduction. YEAH.

  1. I am a female
  2. I am thirty something
  3. My name really is Melissa
  4. My friend Jennifer from college used to call me “merlisserrrrr” and sometimes I have taken that as an “internet name”
  5. I’m tall
  6. I am fat but I used to be thin and I am determined to be thin again. Or well thinner than I am now
  7. I stress eat sugary stuff. I’m thinking if I can conquer that I should be thinner than I am now even if I am seriously wondering about my metabolism.
  8. I like running. I even like running now with me being all fat and junk.
  9. I like yoga, too
  10. my favorite color is purple.
  11. I like both cats and dogs. I can’t really say which I like more because they both have their charms.
  12. I have completed two half marathons.
  13. I’m a native Arkansan.
  14. I lived in Washington DC for 5 1/2. Not the area but the actual District of Columbia.
  15. I once went to Kenya to help build a school.
  16. I really really really really want to go back to Africa.
  17. I also really want to finish a marathon before I die.
  18. I like lists. In fact, I have a rather long extensive bucket list.
  19. I started going gray very early in life and had a noticeable gray streak by the age of 34.
  20. My grandfather was one of 14 kids.
  21. My father was one of six kids. They’re all opinionated as hell. Oh the family fueds.
  22. My Mom’s mom grows cotton. Or rather rents out her land so others can grow cotton and soybeans. Sometimes they grow corn on it. She hates that.
  23. The highlight of 2010 so far is seeing Conan O’Brien and hanging out with my friend Tiffany, who let me crash at her house since i don’t live in Tulsa.
  24. The low point of 2010 so far is when my dear friend Angela, whom I’ve known since Kindergarten, died.
  25. I’m an attorney
  26. I’m a solo practitioner, which means I have my own office.
  27. I like that alright. I am not too keen on the small town I am living in right now.
  28. I am looking for a new opportunity (job…etc. right now)
  29. I have one much larger yet younger brother
  30. As a kid, I played piano and did so well I went to college with a piano scholarship
  31. I put on my own recital my senior year of high school. I played five different songs from the five major “musical eras” all by memory.
  32. Let’s pad this list, shall we? The songs were (1) Prelude and Fugue No. 2 by J.S. Bach from his Well Tempered Clavier (2) Sonata Op. 27 No. 2 (“Moonlight” sonata) by Ludwig van Beethoven (3)Impromptu in A flat Op. 29 by Frederique Chopin (4)La Fille aux Deveux de Lin by Claude Debussy and (5) Second dance from ” Tres danzas argentinas” by Alberto Ginastera
  33. I’m single
  34. I’m an abysmal failure when it comes to Romantic relationships
  35. I like to read
  36. Three of my favorite books are “Lolita” by Vladimir Nabakov; “The Sound and the Fury” by William Faulkner; and “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil” by John Berendt
  37. I like to watch movies
  38. Three of my favorite movies are Splendor in the Grass, Bring It On, and Pan’s Labrynth
  39. I choose Diet Dr. Pepper over Pepsi or Coke
  40. I drink so much Diet Dr. Pepper that I predict I will die from whatever health complications result from drinking too much Diet Dr. Pepper
  41. My favorite bookstore is Kramerbooks in Washington DC
  42. I love Indian food so much that if it were a man, I’d marry him without a prenup. (that’s love y’all)
  43. I do not cook very well. More likely than not, I will burn something. I’m great at burning food.
  44. I am currently listening to “Caramel” by Suzanne Vega
  45. The last book I read was Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia (P.S.)
  46. I spent the summer of 2000 in New York. It was an experience of a lifetime.
  47. Those car decals that depict “Calvin” from Calvin and Hobbes peeing something really annoy the crap out of me. I will think less of you if you have one.
  48. Also, I hate “GIT R DONE” HATE IT!
  49. I attended President Clinton’s second Inauguration
  50. I’ve seen Aretha Franklin perform Live (DO THIS!!!)
  51. The day of my first law school exam, someone burglarized my apartment.
  52. I’m a crime magnet, apparently.
  53. Car stolen!
  54. Car broken into!
  55. Car hit by a drunk driver! (okay sideswiped)
  56. Dog not on a leash killed my cat attempting to eat it. (bad Rottweiller)
  57. Sexual assault (okay that one is not nearly as amusing)
  58. Some would say that is all karma for working in criminal defense
  59. I like cheese. A LOT!
  60. I also like chicken mole
  61. I think Veronica Mars should have never been cancelled.
  62. I think the Sookie Stackhouse books are overrated.
  63. Sometimes I think I am the posterchild for this article.
  64. I love playing games — like Scrabble and that Mafia Wars game on facebook
  65. By the way, Facebook has kept me sane living in the crazy small town
  66. I first discovered people writing about themselves online via Pamela Ribon when she had an online journal called Squishy
  67. I was a psychology major in college. Well I started out a music major.
  68. I was either going to be a criminal profiler or a jury consultant.
  69. I ended up just being a lawyer instead.
  70. I’m a twitter fiend. I love that stupid little thing. I’ve met some great people on there too.
  71. And I’m now tired of doing this list so I’m going to quit.

Wordless Wednesday


My NAACP membership card


“The past is never dead. It’s not even past.” – William Faulkner

I’ve been through some bad shit in my life. The kind of shit that causes me to wake up in the middle of the night screaming, drenched in sweat. After the shit, I have been absolutely positively unable to have more than two alcoholic drinks in a public place at one time. I am vigilant about locking my doors and when I lived alone, I would lock the door to my bedroom as well as the outside door.

Sometimes its’ really bad but I am able to work, I went to law school, and have done some pretty awesome things so for all practical purposes, I haven’t let it control my life but there are some marks. My grades could have been higher or I could have… well… that is pointless really.

So when I read this letter from the advice column “Dear Sugar,” I cried like a girl.

You will never stop loving your daughter. You will never forget her. You will always know her name. But she will always be dead. Nobody can intervene and make that right and nobody will. Nobody can take it back with silence or push it away with words. Nobody will protect you from your suffering. You can’t cry it away or eat it away or starve it away or walk it away or punch it away or even therapy it away. It’s just there, and you have to survive it. You have to endure it. You have to live though it and love it and move on and be better for it and run as far as you can in the direction of your best and happiest dreams across the bridge that was built by your own desire to heal. Therapists and friends and other people who live on Planet My Baby Died can help you along the way, but the healing—the genuine healing, the actual real deal down-on-your-knees-in-the-mud change—is entirely and absolutely up to you.

It was a letter from a woman who miscarried her baby. It was a girl. It’s a year since it happened and she is still not over it. Sometimes, I wonder if I have ran far enough. Sometimes I wonder if I have healed enough or if I am at a point of “better.” It’s been real hard to admit that a little pain over “the shit” is still going to be there. I have the psychological equivalent of a bad knee. Sometimes it’s just going to hurt and that’s the way it is. Sometimes I wonder if that attitude is just me giving up. Sometimes I’m just tired of it being there like a monkey on my back. Sometimes I just want to stab my brain with a butter knife and hope I hit it.

For many years, I ignored “the shit” and went all bad ass with the “I’m not going to let this affect my life.” That worked for a while but like running on a sprained ankle, eventually it just gives out. And that’s what happened to me. One day, it was like the pain had just built up over time and then by the time, I just couldn’t take it anymore, it had become this big insurmountable thing that was smothering me.

So I have cried and screamed and begged and pleaded with God, Buddha, the devil, and any other deity, god, or goddess that I thought would listen. I wrote in my journal and talked to a therapist. Over time, it goes less and less. I guess it’s doable now but I can still have someone say something or read a blog post and be taken back in time. When this happens, I end up spending a night crying in my bed until exhaustion takes over.

So reading that post reminded me of how far I’ve come and how far I have to go. Oh and I cried like a baby.

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