Sometimes, Melissa runs her legs. Sometimes, she runs her mouth.

Running day. every day

“The Hero lies in you” — Mariah Carey

Tomorrow is National Running Day.

According to the website.

National Running Day is a national initiative whereby many of the major organizations within the running industry are joining forces in an unprecedented unified effort to nationally and locally promote running as a healthy, easy, and accessible form of exercise. The inaugural National Running Day will be Wednesday, June 3.

I ran the Little Rock Half Marathon in March. I must confess that I haven’t stayed on schedule after the post race tapering down phase. I was there for a little while and then it began to rain every day. Well, I’m not going to excuse it. I just didn’t get back to any sort of mileage.

Being a woman who is a chronic list maker, I always manage to take a half year assessment of my life and make a list of the things I want to do in the following year. Sometimes I look at my New Year’s resolutions and see how I’m doing with those. It just depends.

I am very proud for completing the big goal of completing a half marathon. I’m going to start running 4 days a week starting yesterday. There’s another half marathon in Conway around October. I intend to finish that and I want to try the Little Rock Marathon next march. I guess I better get training.


  1. rebl1969

    I’m toying with the idea of doing the DeGray Lake 5K at the end of July…it’s at night! You run though the park at night! Doesn’t that sound cool?

  2. Melissa

    ooh running at night is fun. When the weather is so hot, (like now and later in the summer), I usually end up running around 8 or 9 o’clock in the “school annex” The high school, junior high, and elementary schools are all connected. It’s well lit. Security and since school’s out. no traffic in my way.

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