Sometimes, Melissa runs her legs. Sometimes, she runs her mouth.

Month: October 2008 (Page 1 of 2)

Happy Halloween

funny pictures of cats with captions
more animals

I cannot tell a lie. I love Halloween. It is the best holiday ever. It involves costumes, pranks, and CANDY! Anything involving candy can’t be all bad. It’s also a holiday where my dark humor gets to come out of the closet. (har har har) For example, the video below makes me laugh. It’s by a group called Greens Keepers and the title is “Lotion in the Basket” Yes Virginia, it is based on Silence of the Lambs.

Running log

Okay so I jogged 3 miles yesterday and 4 miles today as was dictated by my marathon training sheet.  Both seemed to be relatively easy runs. I wasn’t able to time them and did them on the track since I can’t find my Nike plus ipod white piece that connects to the ipod itself. OH the tragedy. I might have to spend some money to replace that.

Stumping for Obama


Last weekend, I went to Kennett, Missouri to volunteer for the Obama campaign. As you can see from the picture, Kennett is the hometown of Sheryl Crow. It has eleven thousand people in it and is surrounded by cotton fields.

Then I arrived at the Democratic party/Obama headquarters in Kennett. Look it’s a cute little house.

I, along with 7 other people from Arkansas who I had not met before, were sent on the streets to canvass (knock on doors of strangers and speak to them personally).

We each got a list of addresses and a map of our “turf” and away we go.  We went in groups of two and one person got the even numbered houses on the turf streets and the other person got the odd numbered houses on the same streets.  If you did it right, both of would be walking on the same street with one person on the right side and the other person on the left side.

That night when it was too late to knock on stranger’s doors without getting shot, we went out to eat at Porky’s Rib Ranch and Pizza place.

Yes kids. It is one restaurant. Oh it is a dive but complete with pig memorabilia everywhere.  This place the usual BBQ and the usual pizza with a “BBQ” pizza added for good measure but one of most intriguing things on the menu was something called the “Omar salad”

Of course, one of my companions (and salad lover) had to ask what was in this salad.  The answer, as I recall, is lettuce, bacon, onion, cucumbers, pineapple, mandarin oranges, and maybe chicken and tomatoes.

I have no idea why it is called an “Omar salad” either.

The next day, we went to a neighboring town called “Senath” and canvassed that area as well.  They are really into Breast Cancer awareness.  This town was tiny.

Then it was done.  Canvassing completed.

I then took the opportunity to meet up with my friend Kevin who lives across the line in Tennessee.  Kevin is the bees knees.  He has some stories to tell. We went to this Mexican place that was very tasty and whose name I have forgotten. Oops. Then we went to bar having karaoke Sunday. OH the drama.  As I was leaving, I was kidding him about his constant mentioning of Applebee’s when we were making plans on the phone. He said “well it was the only place that I knew served beer.”  See when I emailed him when I knew I was going to be in the area, I wrote “do you want to grab a beer” Obviously, he took my request very seriously and was busting his hump trying to make sure I received a beer.  Y’all I was touched. TOUCHED.  *sniff*


10.01 miles


12:34 minute mile pace

This was done in 2 minute run/1 minute mile splits via the Galloway method.

I ran today. yoo hoo.

Okay my Ipod/Nike running software isn’t downloading to the nike site so I will just put that stuff here.

But today, it’s an estimation since I left the iPod in my car.

Four and a half miles.53 ish minutes with an average page of 12:08 minutes per mile. (okay the 4 1/2 miles and the pace are correct. YOU DO THE MATH)

It was 500 meters/100 meters run/walk split.

wishing people well

Dear ex boyfriend from Hades,

Congratulations. I’m happy for you and am glad that you found love. Now if you treat her half as bad as you treated me and she leaves your butt, I’ll represent her for free in the divorce. Mazel Tov.

Just kidding (or AM I!?!?!?!?!?)

My fabulous weekend

Team Fabulous 2008

Originally uploaded by mesawyou

I cannot tell a lie. I was a little bit nervous about meeting the “team fabulous” team and going out with them. The last time I met a large group of people that I mainly didn’t know, I was forced to listen some guy talk about his “Italian sausage” for 45 minutes at a sit down dinner.

But this was not that event. This was fun.

We loaded into the hotel shuttle and took our fabulous butts to La Hacienda on Cantrell. There was booze.

Raspberry margarita

That’s a raspberry Margarita. It was orgasm good.

Since it was also a double birthday party, there was cake.

If you celebrate your birthday at La Hacienda, you get your picture taken with a sombrero and blanket, a serenade and a shot of tequila (if you’re over 21).

There was laughing and practical joking. I think we scared Mitch, the shuttle driver.

I didn’t get the memo about dressing like a Transvestite hooker for the Race but considering that I was called Man Woman in college (damn you Frank and Ken!), I think I can definitely pull that shit off. Nextyear, girls. NEXT YEAR.

It is quite awe inspiring to see 40,000 people gathered in one place to support one cause, no matter what the cause is. The Broadway bridge was bouncing. That was a little bit scary.

The other interesting thing is the groups that line the race route along the way. There are bellydancers, firemen, politicians, regular guys (or the Three miles of men), Bikers, line dancers, cheerleaders, a high school marching band, etc. It’s touching. Really.

Political videos galore!

This first video is a spot to oppose Act 1. Act 1 wants to ban anyone from adopting or being a foster parent who is ” cohabiting with a sexual partner outside of a marriage which is valid under the constitution and laws of this state.” This means if you are living in sin (or gay) you’re not adopting any kids. There are several of my college classmates in this video.

This one is from these guys. It’s a little message to Sarah Palin and her pro life, “even rape victims shouldn’t get abortions stance”

Here is the transcript:

I was raped. And then I got pregnant. Sarah Palin believes that the Government should be able to force me to carry the pregnancy to term.

Sarah Palin believes that the Government should make that choice, not me.

Governor Palin, I didn’t have a choice about being raped. But I should have a choice about this.

Yeah it’s hard to say no to a crying rape victim. Woah. Pull at the heartstrings.

This is the crazy racism that is seen at McCain/Palin rallies. Of course, this particular video is from Al Jazeera.

Hillary Rodham Clinton…. last Friday

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Originally uploaded by mesawyou

Last Friday at 5:00, I was on the steps of the state capital awaiting the arrival of Hillary Rodham Clinton. She was set to speak at a rally on the steps and then go to a big fancy pants thousand dollars a plate fundraising dinner for Barak Obama.

There were lots of other “fancy pants” people there including Mary Steenburgen and Ted Danson (hey Hollywood fancy pants), Marion Berry, Vic Snyder, Blanche Lincoln, Mike Beebe, Wesley Clark, and David Pryor.

Of course, being politicians, they all had to get on the podium and say something. The formula is fairly simple: say something good about Arkansas, say something good about yourself, say something good about Hillary, say something bad about McCain, and say something good about Obama and how that good directly contradicts the bad about McCain. Therefore, to save the world from destruction, you have to get all your friends to vote for Obama.

Yes there is the political rally in one simple paragraph.

My one and only complaint about this and every other rally or rock concert in Arkansas. The idea of personal space. Seriously, people expect to have three feet of space between themselves and the other people in the crowd. Honey, if you smell that bad, people are going to smell you even if you stand a hundred and three feet away from them. Sheesh.

And it keeps on a coming

My quadraplegic cousin Rick died today. Well he’s been dying for a couple of months now but he finally did it. Now I’m sad.
and now my week is all crazy busy like this.

Today. Weight watchers and drop food off today
Tomorrow. Debate watch party/clean car/ work/ fill out applications
WEdnesday. Breathe. Go to visitation (I think that will end up being wednesday) Figure out where I’m going in Missouri when Obama people call me.
Thursday. Funeral. Turn in application. go to state fair (maybe)
Friday. Somewhere in Missouri stumping.

Oh and that doesn’t cover my training schedule either. And work.

You guys might never hear about last weekend.

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