Sometimes, Melissa runs her legs. Sometimes, she runs her mouth.

Tag: pecans

Local produce porn.


The best thing about living in the country is the access to local produce. This guy sold the box of strawberries above for 25 dollars. It’s some guy that lives in town. Don’t they look yummy?

bucket of blueberries

My Dad’s BFF (who, unfortunately, died about three weeks ago) raised blueberries. Every summer, my Dad would come home with buckets of blueberries. He eats a bunch and freezes a bunch. The frozen ones go great with smoothies and warmed up to make compote.


Here’s a bucket of potatoes. I think those are from my Grandma’s house.

Pecan closeup.

Every Christmas season, my grandma sells shelled pecans by the pound to raise money for Christmas gifts. I don’t think she’s actually spent beyond “pecan money” for Christmas in years.

Money making Christmas

I’ve never understood people going into crazy debt trying to buy Christmas gifts. For as long as I can remember, my mother’s way of buying Christmas gifts was that there was a huge change jar in the corner of the kitchen. Over the course of the year, change went into the jar. That change was the money used to buy gifts.

My grandmother, on the other hand, sold pecans. She has quite a few pecan trees on her property. It becomes a family affair really. First they are picked up off the ground and put in big buckets.

Pecans= Christmas money

Then they are cracked and picked out. “Picked out” is the process where all the non edible contents inside the shell of the pecan gets removed from the edible part of the pecan. This is done carefully so that the pecan itself is still in one piece. Then the pecans are rinsed and put in a big dishpan.

shelled pecans = Christmas money

From here, the pecans are put in baggies in one pound increments. Yes there is a scale but not where I took these pictures. They are then sold. The harvest is anywhere from 500-1200 pounds.

Pecan closeup.

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