Sometimes, Melissa runs her legs. Sometimes, she runs her mouth.

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Originally uploaded by debkel

I’m being photographed by all sorts of people.

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from Melissa Runs with this video of CHristopher Walken doing a dramatic reading of Lady GaGa

Friday List of love

it’s been a while. Work has picked up. I have cooties or some type of flu. I’m even missing the free flu shots due to my ability to hock up things that look more appropriate in an Exorcist remake.

  • Yes I have decided to do the Little Rock Half Marathon again. It should be a hoot. This time I will do more hill training and kick some bootay.
  • Speaking of Bootay, this post involving waxing from Four Jugs is all kinds of wrong. I mean WRONG. IF you heard the screaming from my computer, you would have thought I was watching that blasted Two Girls One Cup video.
  • Other booty related thoughts. I want to cover my booty in these cute running skirts. . There are some more running skirts on this page. Oh they are cute.
  • The Allen House is giving its annual Halloween tours this weekend. OOOOOH spooky. They had paranormal investigators come in and ooh.

That’s all my sick self can do right now.

Race for the Cure.

Bikers for Boobs

Originally uploaded by melissathegoofy

This morning was the Race for the Cure. Due to technical difficulties, I didn’t walk with Team Fabulous. This resulted in me getting up at 5:30 in the morning to make it to Little Rock by the 8 o’clock race time. I am dedicated to saving the boobs. That is all I am going to say.

This is one of my favorite races of the year even though it really isn’t a race. It’s more of a walk a thon. Most of the people who do Race for the Cure have never done any type of race. They don’t understand anything about moving to the left or even thinking about the fact that there are people behind you wanting to go faster. They also don’t read the signs that say “Runners faster than 27 minutes here” and “Joggers here” So that when the race starts everybody is just walking.

But the large amount of support for this cause is inspiring. Along with the actual 45,000 or so registered walkers/runners, there are also tons of people along the race route giving their support. The fire stations all have representatives with their trucks hooping and hollering. This year, one of the fire stations painted a truck pink. There are belly dancers, the UAPB Marching Band, Yogis, politicians, the LR Central Marching band, the news outlets, cheerleaders from tons of schools, country singers, and republicans and democrats on the route to show their support.

AND there are the bikers. These aren’t some “riding club” bikers. These are the real deal and every year they come out in their loud Harleys reving with their pink hair, beads, balloons, and signs about saving Second Base.

It’s a lot of fun.

Blog post amnesty

There’s a concept in the De-cluttering world known as email amnesty where you delete all your emails and send a mass email to all your contacts stating “sorry, I was so far behind on answering emails that there was no way I could catch up. I deleted them all. If there was something important, I’m sorry. Please send the message again.”

Well. All those meaningful posts that I meant to write are well way past their prime to be relevant anymore. Maybe I’ll catch up on them later. Here’s a list.

  • The first football game of the season here in small town America. It was our town versus the town twelve miles away. IT’s amazing how football, of all things, manages to bring the entire town together. I had pictures of the band and the full bleachers of the visitor side and the home team side. Well I guess I will upload the pics. The “Friday Night Lights” style commentary is just gone forever.
  • Roman Polanski.

    Okay I may still go after details on this. I’m a criminal defense attorney at heart and this type of case is a gold mine for all the issues involved. Does he deserve time? If criminal law is meant to protect the public, does it matter that Polanski hasn’t recommited the type of crime in the past 30 years? Does it matter that he was gainfully employed and giving to society? Does it matter that his past involved Nazis and his wife and unborn child being slaughtered by the Manson family? What about his leaving the country? Does it matter about the corrupt judge? OH man.

    Well the short answer is that in most states (i’m not sure about California) bail jumping, leaving the country, being on the lam, etc. is an entirely new charge and that is an extra felony on top of his crime. So he’s screwed for that. There is a concept that warrants get stale and if the police wait too long then it’s over. Most of that time, that is based on a warrant to arrest and it doesn’t involve a person ACTIVELY avoiding being arrested. The girl was underage and that is statutory rape. This means it is a strict liability crime. it doesn’t matter if she lied and said she was 20. It doesn’t matter if was completely consensual and she climbed on top of your naked body and rode you like a rodeo bull. If she’s under age and you had sex with her, you’re going to JAIL. The more interesting question is “how much time should he get?” Sentencing is where most of the issues being bandied around in the press get their attention: his past, etc.

  • MORE SERIAL KILLER LOVE I discovered Dexter. What a wonderful witty little show. I managed to whiz through the first two seasons via Netflix ready view and will now have to wait for Season 3 to make it here in teeny succession.

    I became interested in psychology after watching Silence of the Lambs. My wanting to be a criminal profiler lead to an interest in forensic psychology which lead to my investigation job which lead to law school. If you want to connect the dots, Hannibal Lecture is responsible for me being a lawyer. Lord, help you all.

  • WORK AND VOLUNTEER WORK I’ve become involved with the local young lawyers section. Since I have been in practice for less than five years, I qualify. yee hawww. This also deserves an extra special YEE HAWWW because it means I am getting out of the house.
  • I’m doing Race for the Cure again. According to the site, I’ve raised NO DAMN MONEY!
  • professional domain YES. web host for professional site. YES. Actual site content. NO! will rectify that soon.
  • COOKING I bought a copy of Mastering the Art of French Cooking. I’m not good at cooking but, like Julia Child, I do like to eat. Since I heard that she explains every little thing down to the last detail, I would buy this book and attempt to make delicious food. We’ll see how this goes. I’m sure there will be photos.

So yeah. I could have written an entry on each blurb. I just realized I forgot about the Blogging Academy I attended. SEE!!

But I’m good and I tweet a lot. And I will start over with topics.

Travel Solo and Yes, Talk to Strangers

Travel Solo and Yes, Talk to Strangers

Posted using ShareThis

Totally awesome videos and pictures.


It could be an actual Prohibition protest.

Insurance Company Executives need your help. Hilarious. Absolutely hilarious. And yeah everybody and their mama has already seen but that doesn’t make it any less awesome.

Rush Limbaugh has lost his mind.

Limbaugh: “[I]n Obama’s America, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering.” He takes one isolate incident and uses it to scare bigots everywhere.

Seriously? The only time I have heard any black person say “right on” is the kids on Good Times. No really, no kid on a bus in 2009 is saying “right on.” And why does Rush Limbaugh sound like Fat Albert when he says it? Oh my Bill Cosby is going to be pissed.


For people who say that race has nothing to do with it, explain this Limbaugh clip.


So I took Sadie for a walk, right past the house where the pit bull lives. What else was I going to do — get her a treadmill? No, she’s a tracker. She lives to walk along sniffing things. And, anyway, you just can’t stay holed up. You’ve only got this one mongrel life, and you don’t want to spend it hiding indoors; pretty soon the menace is everywhere and you’re left worrying about what’s going to rise up out of the basement. You have to wear down the fear. You can’t kite yourself up over the places you wish did not exist. You have to suit up, show up, move on through. The good news is that the joy is on the other side of the dark stretch of sidewalk. Also, you can ask someone to walk along with you, someone or something you trust. So I decided to be that person for Sadie and help her take back her joy in the street. —- Annie Lamont

The Thomas Reed affair

Like everybody else and their Mama who has any access to the internet whatsoever, I have a facebook account.

It’s here. Melissa Sawyer

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Anyway, it’s not a big secret and there you go.

It has a hodge podge of lawschool classmates, college classmates, high school classmates, and friends and colleagues I have amassed over the years. And the occasional person who wants to up their Mafia Wars mafia.

So a couple of days ago, this guy named Thomas Reed put in a friend request. He looked familiar to me. I glanced and noticed several Hendrix people as mutual friends, assumed he was a classmate who ran around in different social circles, and accepted him.

Well I get a message from a college classmate.

Who is Thomas Reed? I added him because several other Hendrix friends had him as a friend, but I do not remember him at all. I could not find him in our yearbooks. (Not a perfect search, mind you, but I looked at all four yearbooks). Do you remember him? Can you jog my memory? I’ve forgotten a lot, but I was a little traumatized at having absolutely no recollection of a person . . .

It is at this point that I realize that I can’t definitely point him out anywhere. My undergrad only has about a thousand people on campus at any given time and my graduating class was in the area of 125 people. It’s not a large school by any means. I usually recognize people from college unless they’ve changed a lot in appearance and can usually tell you some random trivia about them like the dorm they lived in or some other such nonsense but this Thomas Reed. I can’t remember anything.

So I send an email to one of the more gregarious social butterfly types that I know. He also worked in the cafeteria which means he pretty much talked to everybody at some point.

I truly don’t! He is not in any of our old yearbooks. His profile says he graduated with us, but I just don’t remember him!

I sent a message to Mr. Reed himself and asked him to jog my memory about how he is, including asking what dorm he lived in. The place requires you live on campus unless you are married or provide some other type of excuse so everybody at some point has a dorm to name.

I send messages to some other people and it’s the same thing: He looked familiar. I noticed he had other people from college on his friends list and assumed I was daft for not remembering him.

Now. That’s strange.

How could someone go to a school so small and manage to fall under the radar?


Why would a person fake being a 1995 graduate of Hendrix College?


Is this some social psychology experiment to see how peer pressures affects facebook friending? The “Oooh everybody else from my school is his friend, I’ll friend him too” phenomenon.

OR is it someone trying to investigate a classmate who doesn’t know that courts don’t necessarily allow the info you obtain under false pretenses into evidence.


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